Comfortable flight: rules of luggage transport on the board aircraft
The airplane is a more convenient, faster and more comfortable means of transport. In just a few hours you can travel for long distances by air.
But, because of its peculiarity, great attention is paid to the passengers’ safety in the airports and airline companies all over of the world.
So, in order to get a boarding pass the passengers must follow strict rules of flight, including baggage allowance rules on the aircraft board.
All these are done for the total safety on the board and in flight.
The rules are the same for everybody, and it does not depend either you have a business trip or a trip for resting in warm countries, either you fly by business class or you have a seat in the economy class.
Summing up, I shall say that a flight presupposes for absolutely all the passengers a complex of certain practical arrangements that can be considered a kind of small payment for comfort and flight speed.
And one of these important practical arrangements is luggage transport. You should arrange this moment with great attention and responsibility in order to avoid further problems.
General rules of luggage transport
First, it should be mentioned that the rules of luggage transport are not an unified worldwide standard. They can easily vary depending on some factors.
Firstly, it is very important to what country you fly because different countries have their own standards and practices.
Secondly, a great influnce on the luggage transport has the choice of the airline company by which you will decide to be served. Besides this, speaking about the allowed weight of your luggage a great importance is paid to the class of your flight (for instance, business class or economy class), and also to the model of the aircraft.
In order to avoid needless troubles at the luggage check-in you should precise all above mentioned moments before booking airline tickets. Also find out about the rules of subsize luggage transport if you have any.
Also, you should clarify what things you may take with you on board aircraft – what is allowed and what is forbidden. But even not looking at differences, all airline companies have common rules of luggage transport that are used all over the world.
Rules of luggage transport on the board aircraft
First – you should see the case or bag that you registrate in separate places at the check-in, be unbroken (without any notch or opening) and perfect in order not to damage your things and the things of the luggage next to yours.
For the safety, you can wrap your luggage in the clingfilm or you may have this procedure for a symbolic amount of payment just at the airport. We recommend doing this! This will not only increase your chance in having your luggage perfectly set down at your destination but also you will not stain and tear your traveling case or bag.
Second, each airline company has its own rules regulating the weight and size of the unregistrable (hand-luggage) and registrable luggage. If you exceed either of the limits you will have to pay addionally.
Third, you should remember that there is a certain list of things forbidden to take to the board aircraft neither in the main luggage nor in the hand-luggage.
What you may not take to the board aircrft:
- You should not put corrosive and caustic substances into your luggage. They are alkali, acids, mercury and mercury-containing devices, wet storage batteries.
- Any type of gases. These are ignition, non-flammable, liquid, compressed and poisonous gases.
- Solid substances and liquids that can catch fire. These are lighters and matches, paint, diluents and many other paintwork materials. The liquid for lighter filling, spontaneously-flammable matters, substances that evolve dangerous gases when are in contact with water and other highly-flammable substances and objects.
- Oxidizing substances, for instance, peroxides or bleaching powder.
- Any explosive object. These are guns and other fire-arms, signal rockets, fireworks, ammunition including empty brasses and detonators.
- Radioactive materials;
- Toxic, infectious and poisonous substances. These are herbisides, bugsprays, laboratory materials with live viruses, aetiology objects
- Briefcases and suitcases with fixed signalling devices;
Besides, according to the rules of luggage transport it is not recommended to pack in the main (checked) baggage the following things:
- Jewelry,
- precious mettals,
- paper holdings,
- keys,
- cash,
- glasses,
- breakables,
- perishable foods.
Leave these things at home or take with you in your hand-luggage!
Hand-luggage and total weight of the luggage
There exists such a notion as cabin bag. As a rule, these are small bags allowed in the aircraft cabin.
Of course, the rules of transporting things in the hand-luggage are harder. These restrictions and measures are taken in order to provide a safe flight.
So, many airline companies do not allow to transport in the hand-luggage the following things:
- Long scissors and knives (they may take even your nail scissors)
- Knitting needles
- Corkscrews
- Hypodermic needles (excepting prescribed cases)
- Razors and other bladed articles.
Besides there exist certain restrictions about transprting liquids in the hand-luggage.
These are:
- shampoos,
- gels,
- perfumes
- sprays
- lash mascara
- creams
- water and other beverages.
Cosmetics in the hand-luggage
According to the rules you may take these liquids only in small quantaties (not exceeding 10 mililitres) and only in germetic package (the exact requirements are imposed by the airline company itself).
This is with the exception of solutions and baby food that are needed in flight. Liquids and objects bought at duty free shops also make an exception.
If speaking about the weight of the hand-luggage and the main baggage there are also certain restrictions.
As a rule, cabin luggage may not exceed the limits from 7 till 15 per one place. As for the main baggage, its weight may be from 20 till 30 kg.
With no additional charge levied and free transport of the excess baggage (20 kg), the passenger may carry at the cabin:
- A briefcase or a hand-bag
- An umbrella
- A paper folder
- A walking stick
- Crutches and invalid chair when transporting a passenger with reduced mobility
- A bouquet of flowers
- Outwear and suit bag
- Print publications for reading in flight
- Mobile phones
- Video camera and picture-taking camera
- Portable computer, tablet PC and other electronic devices
- Flight baby cot when transporting a baby
These things are not checked, not shown for weighing and are not marked by the luggage tag.
If you have to transport something unusual, large and fragile, for example, a musical violoncellon, then, you should address this question to the representatives of the airline carrier. The same procedure must be done regarding sports equipment, medical equipment and other things that we did not list.
So, luggage transport has many nuances and requirements that must be taken into account long before the day of flight in order to avoid unnecessary problems.
If we did not mention about any other rule, please, address to the representatives of the airline company.
Dear, passengers, you may ask your questions in commentaries. We shall try to help you in everything – to tell the flight direction, to consult you about the quantity of things you want to transport, to inform additionally about something and so on. Then it will be easier for us to answer at once and will not have to ask leading questions. Also, we want to remind that rules of transporting are not written for limiting your safety.
And remember that it is better to come to check-in for 2 hours earlier before the flight.
Thus, you will have a good mood and you will not have any difficulties!