Airbus 380 is put out of operation
Today the biggest company-manufacturer of flying passenger aviation Airbus launched official declaration that it intends to stop creation, project and launching models of civil airplanes Airbus A380 that appeared to be quite sad news both for the company and all fans of Airbus aero technics. As company management stated in their declaration the main reason of such decision is significant reduction of the orders from the part of Airline Company Emirates Airlines that is the biggest and the most important ordering customer of Airbus in expansion of civil airplanes.

Company specialists stated that according to the last financial and statistical report, Airline Company Emirates Airlines placed order just for 38 models of A380 from initial level of 50 models annually but at the same time it increased interest in quantity sense in relation to newer models A350 and A330. It becomes clear that with such decision qualitative change in development of entire civil aviation takes place, however, at the same time Airbus management declared that change of emphasis by one of the biggest clients became real surprise and not the best news for the last year.
However, it doesn’t change at all high level of popularity among passengers-users that always marked unusually high level of comfort together with perfect functionality of A380 model. Besides, airplanes of A380 model will be still used for many years because Airbus will continue their maintenance in good technical condition and to produce new technical modules for them.
Nevertheless, decision of Emirates Airlines becomes slightly unexpected – many users question why airline company from United Arab Emirates took such decision. Exerts of civil aviation declare that it is determined first of all by desire to switch to conceptually another level of technologies applied and possibilities to increase common quality and comfort level for their passengers and clients.