Airbus A320-200 Alitalia. Photos and description of the plane

Airbus A320-200 Alitalia. Photos and description of the plane

“Alitalia” operates 38 aircrafts Airbus A320-200. Airbus A320 is the first model of so called family A320 representatives of which are also A318, A319 and A321.

It is the line of narrow-bodied airplanes (narrow-bodied are airplanes with one aisle).

The body of A320 family is one of the widest among narrow-bodied airplanes in entire world. The body of A320 is 7 inches wider than the body of competitors that provides additional comfort to passengers.

This airplane was created for airlines of medium and short-range.

European aircraft has deserved special attention thanks to several distinctions from similar models.

The innovative peculiarity of Airbus A320 after standards of 1980’s was fly-by-wire system and the flight deck.

More about age of the each airplane:

Airbus A320-200 +

Photo Airbus A320-200 Alitalia. High quality fotos

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