Airbus A330-300 Air Europa. Photos and description of the plane
In the middle of October 1993 took place first flight of Airbus A330-300 with engines Pratt-Whitney PW4000.
The certification of the airplane was finished in June 1994. But because of the problems with thrust reverse airplane was introduced into operation only in December 1994. Airplane with turbofan engines Rolls-Royce “Trent” 700 began flight tests at the end of January 1994.
Airplane A330-300 is the first airplane of Airbus Industry with the engines of English Company. At the end of December 1994 certification was finish but in February 1995 deliveries started.
During 1990’s consortium has studied new modifications of A330 airplane. Initially was worked out variant A330-300X with take-off weight 223 tones. In 1992 was offered variant A330-300HGW with take-off weight 230 tones and flying range 9900 kilometers. In 1995 elaboration of the variant A330-200 with shortened body and increased flying range has started.
Photo Airbus A330-300 Air Europa. High quality fotos
Usefull information about “Air Europa”
- Rating and reviews about “Air Europa”
- Seat map of the Airbus A330-300 Air Europa
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