Airbus A330-300 KLM. Photos and description of the plane
“KLM” operates 5 aircrafts Airbus A330-300. Airbus A 330-300 and Airbus A330-200 are quite similar. The main difference is the body length.
The length of Airbus A330-300 is 63.69 meters that is almost 5 meters longer than Airbus A330-200. Also it should be mentioned that the tail fin of A330-300 is almost 50 centimeters shorter that the tail fin of A330-200. Despite bigger flying-range Airbus A330-300 significantly cedes to A330-200 flying range of which is 13400 kilometers. It is explained with the fact that Airbus A330-300 has bigger weight-lift ability, it is longer and heavier.
As Airbus A330-300 is long-haul airplane during a long flight crew members will need to have rest. For this near the pilots’ deck is constructed small compartment for having rest. For stewards there is separate place for rest under passenger deck in cargo compartment.
More about age of the each airplane:
Photo Airbus A330-300 KLM. High quality fotos
Useful information about “KLM”
- Rating and reviews about “KLM”
- Seat map of the Airbus A330-300 “KLM”
- KLM – company description and aircrafts fleet