Airline companies are trying to save business in quickly worsening conditions for travelling. Part 1
Due to new strain of the coronavirus requirements and restrictions are changing quite fast. This complicates life for air carriers that went through 18 months of weak profits.
Airline companies, passengers and companies with all forces tries to respond on the flow of restrictions on the trips declared on the weekend in order to slow up spreading omicron coronavirus variant.
First wave of flight prohibitions from South Africa where omicron was initially found was changed by wider measures that will make trips more expensive and less comfortable – if it is generally possible – reminding previous pandemic days.

Great Britain introduced mandatory PCR tests for all arriving passengers and declared that they have to self-isolate before receiving negative test result. Israel is closed for all arriving foreign citizens for 14 days while Philippines declared that travelers from European countries including Switzerland and Netherlands will not be welcome during the nearest few weeks.
Spain and Switzerland have toughened access of the arriving passengers from Great Britain return of which to travels has quickly reversed. Britain low-cost airline company EasyJet Plc declared on Sunday that its flight schedule was without changes, however they continue to trace the situation carefully.
Though full influence will become more evident in the nearest days “this will be questionable for business trips, especially arrival to Great Britain”, – Martin Ferguson, American Express Global Business Travel representative said.