Airline company Qatar Airways brought action against Airbus because of the painting defects of A350. Part 1
Manufacturer names these defects “cosmetic”.
Qatar airline company Qatar Airways brought action against Airbus in the technology and construction section of the London High Court in order to solve continuing dispute concerning the defects in painting composite body of the airplanes A350 that are operated by Arabic carriers.
“Unfortunately, all our attempts to reach constructive solution with Airbus concerning advancing degradation of the surface condition of Airbus A350 airplanes that negatively influences operation, failed. That is why Qatar Airways haven’t left any alternative than looking for operative solution of this matter in the court”, – airline company declared.

It is informed that the paint on the A350 body in the fleets of some airline companies, including Cathay Pacific, Etihad Airways, Finnair, Lufthansa and Qatar Airways exposed premature wearing of different degree. Airbus affirms that as result of thorough investigation two main reasons of these defects have been detected: heat-generated expansion and bad adherence with titanium fasteners.
Manufacturer informed that is engineering methods to eliminate these defects. In particular, company explained that repeated susceptiveness of the airplane to “thermal cycles”, i.e. significant difference in ambient temperatures, may cause premature wearing of the paintwork and uncovering the layer of copper foil that is under the pant that in turn starts to deteriorate without protective layer of paint.