Airport check-in. How to сheck in at the Airport?
The procedure of passenger boarding the aircraft takes more time in comparison to the same process at the bus or railway station. This is due to the fact that paseengers have their baggage and personal property checked before boarding.
In order not to be late for your flight and to check-in yourself and your relatives in time you should follow some simple rules.
Check-in time
Try to arrive at the airport earlier: in this case, you will have plenty of time while other passengers pass check-in process. Every airline company sets its own time frame for performing passenger registration.
So, for example, the international flight check-in starts at the Sheremetyevo airport for two and a half hours before the flight, and the domestic flight check-in – for two hours before the flight. The registration is over, as a rule, for forty minutes before the time indicated in the ticket.
What should be done at the airport?
It is necessary to have your identity card and ticket with you. If you fly with children you should also demonstrate birth certificates of each child at the check-in. The passengers travelling with the company or with the family may demonstrate all the documents at once- thanks to this you will get close seats.
Having come to the airport, study the eloctronic announcement board where number of flights, check-in time and check-in desks are indicated. Go to certain check-in desks and prepare your tickets and documents. Take into account that the passengers of the first and business-class are served out of turn or at the special check-in desks.
After you have your documents and tickets checked the airport worker will issue you a boarding pass where you will find the number of your seat in the cabin and the exit number where the boarding process will take place. After you have passed check-in you may go to the holding room.
What is on-line check-in?
High technologies allow to pass check-in control on-line through the Internet. Such kind of registration on Transaero aircraft, for instance, starts for 23 hours before the flyout and is over for an hour before the flight. After such kind of registration you will get a boarding pass on your telephone that will be sent in the barcorded form. You should print this boarding pass- for this, use special devices that are before the line of preflight inspection (passport control).
This tag should be demonstrated when you check in your luggage, while you are boarding and at the boarding entrance you should demonstrate it to the cabin assistant.
Pay attention that the online check-in on American Airlines airplane with the use of mobile phone is available for 24 hours before the flight and is over for 90 minutes before flyout. Passenger boarding is over for 15 minutes before the start of flight. You can find more detailed information about this electronic registration and all the rules of american airline companies in our article – on-line airplane check-in.
Baggage. What is it to be done?
If you have another baggage, except hand luggage, you should register it. Remember, that you are allowed to have a luggage of 20-23 kg. for one passenger. If your luggage weighs more than it is allowed you have to pay for it. You can find more detailed information about the luggage in the article – Rules of luggage transport on the board aircraft
Have a successful flight!