Bombardier CRJ-900 SkyWest. Photos and description of the plane
Bombardier CRJ900 is medium-range passenger airplane elongated version of CRJ700 work over which was announced in October 1999 but official start of the program was timed to air show in Farnboro that took place on July 24th 2000.
As compared to Bombardier CRJ700 it differed with elongated by 3.89 meters body (inserts in front and behind the wing) that allowed increasing capacity up to 90 passengers.
Airplane has got more powerful engines CF34-8C5, strengthened main undercarriage legs with new pneumatics and brake units, enforced wing, two additional emergency exits in the area of the wing and also cargo department of big capacity located under the cabin’s deck.
Photo Bombardier CRJ-900 SkyWest. High quality fotos
Usefull information about “SkyWest”
- Rating and reviews about “SkyWest”
- Seat map of the Bombardier CRJ-900 SkyWest
- SkyWest – company description and aircrafts fleet