Britain aviation plans to refuse traditional fuel in 30 years
Britain aviation industry plans to combine economic growth with ecological measures.
According to new strategy Sustainable Aviation is going to reach zero emissions to 2050, increasing at the same time number of flights by 70%. Ecologists doubt about success of such plan and consider that without flights’ reduction climatic progress cannot be reached.
As Business Traveler informs, Sustainable Aviation published their Decarbonization Road Map in which they described goals of the industry for the nearest 30 years. Since 2005 90% of country aviation business work over creation of concerted climate strategy for all participants of Britain air-economy.
Representatives of the airports, airline companies and aviation equipment manufacturers hope that they will manage to reduce emissions at the expense of alternative fuel, new engines and separate initiatives of emissions reduction.
“The enemy is carbon, not aviation. We have to protect possibility to fly in the world without carbon”, – says John Holland-Kaye, the head of Sustainable Aviation. Increase of CO2 in atmosphere is dangerous for airplanes as well. Experts of Nature Climate Change magazine consider that carbon increase in atmosphere will cause turbulence intensification to the middle of century.

However, ecologists in Friends of Earth consider that without flights’ limitation reduction of emissions is not possible. Aviation is responsible for approximate 2% of CO2 emissions in the world and regulation of this sphere is not transparent, including Europe. Besides, the plan of Sustainable Aviation foresees new aviation technologies that are not invented as of yet. Alternative fuels may be elaborated on the base of vegetable oils, sugar, industrial gases and other substances, however there are no successful inventions as of yet.
Electric engines have already passed tests successfully, however, such flying machines don’t fly on far distance and cannot transport many passengers because of small capacity of the batteries. Such companies as Airbus and Boeing consider hybrid alternatives – combination of electricity and traditional jet turbines. For example, placement of electromagnetic aircraft launch systems in the airports will help to avoid the biggest emissions during flight that appear during take-off.
In 2016 in International Civil Aviation Organization signed CORSIA agreement that sets the goal to reduce emissions by 50% to 2050 as compared to 2005. Agreement comes into force in 2021 however it will regulate only 25% of the world aviation and doesn’t cover international flight.