Chinese aviation corporation AVIC take part in 179 “silk” projects
Total cost of the projects has made about 29 billions USD but their key task is consolidation of infrastructural connection of countries of the “New Silk Road” between each other and China and improving entire aviation safety.
AVIC cooperation with the countries of the “New Silk Road” includes trade in the area of aviation products, corresponding infrastructural building and management. The key areas of collaboration also include development and sale of the products of civil aviation, providing services of infrastructural building, improvement of aviation safety level and so on.

It should be pointed out that increasing number of country use the products of Chinese aviation industry like turboprop airplanes MA60, LE500 and Y-12 and also cargo airplane Y-8.
In September of the current year from the production line should come first sample of the new Chinese high-speed turbo-prop airplane MA700. Flying range of this airplane will be 1.7 thousands kilometers. At present moment began the stage of industrial tests.
This airplane was projected by AVIC XAC in Xi’an city. The certificate new airplane should get to 2021 and first flight is expected at the end of current year. It is informed that the airplane will be able to be operated in high mountain regions and in terms of high temperatures. Maximum flying altitude will reach 5.4 kilometers but the speed – up to 637 kilometers per hour.