Due to high demand Airbus customers will have to wait for their orders several years
Airline companies that order narrow-body airplanes Airbus will have to wait for deliveries about two years as capacities for producing these airplanes are limited.
Demand on the airplanes of A320 family that are used on medium-haul routes is so high that big orders for these airplanes are accepted for 2021-2025, said Airbus Chief Commercial Officer Christian Scherer to Financial Times. “I would like our company to have more airplanes for sale. Now offer of those airplanes demand on which is the highest is limited. It concerns airplanes A320 and A321 and now also A220”, – he marked.
According to Scherer demand on these airplanes is caused by the fact that airline companies strive to replenish their fleet with more energy-efficient airplanes.
“Crises caused by COVID-19 has accelerated comprehension that switch to technologies of more efficient fuel consumption is inevitable”, – he marked.

Last week Airbus received two big orders, including order from Air-France-KLM for delivery of 100 airplanes A320neo and A321neo. Deliveries of the airplanes within this order are planned for second half of the year 2023.
According to Scherer’s words, at present moment the airplanes of the last generation make 13% of global fleet of commercial airplanes.
From the beginning of the current year Airbus received orders for 540 airplanes A321neo and A320neo. In the meantime, American competitor of the French aviation company – Boeing Co. received orders for 692 narrow-body airplanes 737MAX during the period from January to November of the current year.
However, Airbus still outgoes Boeing in volumes of deliveries. This year European company delivered to Customers 518 airplanes, Boeing – 302 airplanes.
Airbus plans to increase production of the airplanes of A320 family up to 65 per month to 2023 and up to 75 per month in 2025. In 2019 company produced per 60 airplanes per month and it was record level, however last year due to coronavirus pandemic production volumes reduced to 40 airplanes per month.
Vice-president of the Boeing division of commercial airplanes Ihssane Mounir estimates demand perspective more carefully. “Production goals should be set considering market’s needs and what our supply chain may provide”, – he said.