Embraer offered to stimulate passengers’ brain with electricity to reduce stress during the flights
Also, Embraer offered to stimulate passengers’ brain with magnetic field and ultrasound.
Many people fairly consider the flights quite bad idea that is why airline companies are constantly seeking for the methods how to reduce stress from the flights. And Brazilian aerospace company Embraer offered extremely original idea – therapy with the kelp of transcranial brain stimulation that in accordance with the idea should make passengers happier during the flight.
Patent application for “the system of brain stimulation to provide good feeling” was filed back in 2016 but it was approved only in 2022.

The idea is to influence cortex of passengers’ cerebrum with the help of transcranial stimulation. The system itself includes digital camera that controls passengers’ facial expressions, algorithms for analysis and system of noninvasive transcranial stimulation with the help of low direct current, magnetic field and ultrasound.
All these, according to developers’ opinion will allow to reduce stress level during long flights and will allow passengers feel themselves happier.
Let’s mark that transcranial magnetic and electric stimulation is used for long time to treat depression, some mental illness and other problems. However, the fact of patent registration doesn’t mean that system will be created and used during the flights.