Emirates SkyCargo opens “mini-cargo” charter flights on the airplanes Airbus A380. Part 1
Emirates SkyCargo began operation of its airplanes Airbus A380 on some charter cargo routes for transportation of urgent cargos on its route network. First special “mini-cargo” airplane Emirates A380 has successfully transported items of medical purpose between Seoul and Amsterdam through Dubai.
Closely cooperating with the groups of technical service and Emirates flight control, cargo division of the airline company optimized cargo capacity on Airbus A380 in order to provide safe transportation of about 50 tons of cargo per one flight in cargo compartments of the airplanes.

Emirates SkyCargo opened special cargo routes on the airplanes A380 as reply for expansive growth of the demand on cargo air transport service necessary for urgent transportation of critically important goods including items of medical purpose to fight against COVID-19 in regions that go through second wave of the pandemic.
Emirates SkyCargo continues to work over further optimization of cargo compartments of the Airbus A380 airplanes by means of such measures as use of the capacity of passengers seats and plans to make additional special cargo routes in November.
From the COVID-19 pandemic beginning Emirates SkyCargo the leading player of the world industry of cargo air transport with the route network that covers five continents continues to introduce innovative solutions for cargo transportation in accordance with quickly changing market conditions.