Experimental projects of Embraer will help to create aviation of future. Part 1
Company develops innovative projects and moves towards sustainable ecological future.
Brazilian company Embraer in August got down to flight tests of fully electric airplane – technological demonstrator. During first flights are checked power and efficiency of the new power unit, its control and temperature behavior and also, definitely, safety in operation of the new system. The aim of the tests is to demonstrate and confirm in real conditions results received during computer simulation and ground laboratory researches that took place in the second half of 2019.

“First airplane is always a key milestone, – Embraer Senior Vice President Engineering, Technology Development and Corporate Strategy Luis Carlos Affonso says. – We strive after solutions that will make aviation more eco-friendly and innovations will play key role on this way”.
Project develops in sci-fi cooperation with leading world companies: Brazilian WEG that works in the electrical engineering and automatization field and Portugal EDP that deals with electric power engineering. In the project are used electrical transmission system WEG and EDP batteries, flying laboratory became light single-seat agricultural airplane EMB-203 Ipanema that has already became part of Embraer history. In 2004 it became first airplane in the world in series production certifies for flights on ethanol derived from renewable sources. We will mark that ethanol doesn’t suit commercial aviation because of low as compared to kerosine energy density as result flying range of the airplane with full tanks reduces approximately by 40%. However, in agricultural aviation of Brazil use of ethanol became one of important steps towards environment protection.