Experimental projects of Embraer will help to create aviation of future. Part 2
Embraer supports continuing program of technological development directed to increasing efficiency of the airplane, reduction of fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Data received as result of the tests of demonstrator-airplane allows company to develop innovative products and move to the sustainable ecological future. Among these projects, in particular, is electric flying machine of vertical take-off and landing eVTOL (Electric Vertical Landing and Take-Off aircraft) also known as EVA (Electric Vertical Aircraft) on which EVE is working, subsidiary Embraer company in the area of city air mobility.
Among other advanced developments of Embraer – project of completely new regional turbo-prop airplane. Though its engines use traditional kerosene-type jet fuel, new turbo-prop will allow also to reduce fuel consumption significantly that reduced expenses of the airline companies and emissions of the deleterious gases.

Generally, this year for Embraer goes under the sign of recovery. Brazilian aviation company has increased number of deliveries, received some profit in the second quarter 2021.
For 2021 Embraer plans to deliver to the Customers about 145 airplanes: 45-50 commercial airplanes, and 90-958 business jets. Lats year Brazilian aviation company delivered 130 airplanes: 44 commercial and 86 business.
Commenting financial results of the 2nd quarter 2021 Embraer managers marked that in the midterm is forecasted increase to 120 deliveries of the airplanes of corporate class a year. Also, significant growth is expected in maintenance direction. One of the tasks set for the nearest time is increase of the market’s share of the business jets. At present moment for new customers who buy the airplane for the first time falls 30% of the Embraer stock of orders.