Experts made rating of airline companies that have the most diversifies menu on the board
The most diversified menu appeared to have Singapore Airlines, air carrier offers 26 variants of special meals.
OneTwoTrip experts studied menu of airline companies considering accessible variants of meals in 111 airline companies.
For presence of each type of meal that differs from the standard, airline company got one point. Maximum number of points that could be received – 27 points – such number of variants of special menus points out International Air Transport Association (IATA).

The most various menu appeared to have Singapore Airlines that offers 26 variants of special meals, second place took AZAL – airline company has 25 variants of meals, top three closes JAL (Japan) with 23 variants of special meals. Top five also entered Chinese airline company China Southern Airlines and Korean Airline Company Korean Air (per 22 variants of meal).
The most spread type of accessible special menu is vegetarian; it is offered by 58 airline companies. Many big air carriers allow choosing such type of meal: strict vegan, meal with milk and eggs or Asian style meals.
More than half of airline companies taking into consideration state of passengers’ health offer at option special dietary or non-allergic menu. Passengers may order meals that don’t contain lactose, gluten, fat or salt.