Helsinki airport got prestigious reward: “Best Airport in Northern Europe”. Part 1
In the framework of global interrogation made by independent consulting agency Skytrax passengers named Helsinki airport the best airport of Northern Europe. Reward World Airport Award 2022 was given to Finavia company that administrates the airport on ceremonial event in Paris.

In Helsinki airport operate hundreds of companies that provide jobs for thousands of people. All of them provide continued service that passengers appreciate. Edward Plaisted, Skytrax CEO congratulated Helsinki airport that it was voted the best airport of Northern Europe and said: “The last two years have been very difficult for the airports all over the world. Industry has to face various restrictions to prevent COVID-19 spreading and unprecedented loss of passengers. At present moment airline service is being recovered fast, nevertheless service in Helsinki airport corresponds to high standards.”
Skytrax interrogation is global interrogation of passengers that analyses service level in 550 airports all over the world. Passengers rate airport’s level of service and products beginning with entrance into terminal till boarding moment. Current interrogation covers eight-months period from Autumn 2021 to Spring 2022. Skytrax company marked with the award Helsinki airport for the fifth time already.