In USA will remain one low-cost airline company
As result of the JetBlue and Spirit Airlines transaction airline company Frontier remained alone.
American hybrid airline company JetBlue Airways achieved success in conclusion of transaction on acquisition of ultra-low-cost airline company Spirit Airlines for 3.58 billion USD. As result of mergence if it will be approved by American regulatory authorities will appear fifth biggest air carrier in USA that will make 1.7 thousand flights daily. Common route network of two airline companies counts 125 directions in 30 countries.

Transaction was announced after failure of long negotiations about mergence of Spirit Airlines with another airline company – ultra-low-cost carrier Frontier Airlines. In February after announcement of supposed mergence, JetBlue interfered in the relations of competitors by offering higher price for Spirit. Though Spirit management expressed doubt that such mergence can be approved but anti-trust agencies, stockholders of the airline company preferred JetBlue offer supported with solid financial advantage.
As result JetBlue addressed directly to stockholders of Spirit company convincing them to refuse transaction with Frontier. If transaction will not be approved by corresponding agencies, JetBlue will pay Spirit 70 million USD but stockholders will receive 400 million USD.