ITA chooses between Airbus and Boeing
New Italian company stirs up battle in signing agreement for 5.3 billion USD.
Take-off of Italia Trasporto Aereo (ITA), new public airline company that is called to reset Alitalia stirs up battle between Airbus and Boeing in signing agreement fir 5.3 billion USD (taking into consideration discounts), Bloomberg informs. It has to be a tender according to which Airbus plans to deliver 81 airplanes of next generation during 4 years. Fleet renewal should take place by lease and not acquisition because delivery plans of the European aerospace giant are so tight that till 2024-2025 there are no “free” airplanes.

Sources point out that final decision hasn’t been taken by executive management team of ITA as of yet but it is important move to the European giant in a year after first negotiations on which appeared advantage of Boeing company in the field of long-haul airplanes.
The main interference on the way to the agreement with Toulouse could become crossing offer from Boeing with “unprecedent” package: airplane with 60-70% discount, guaranteed technical maintenance during reasonable period of time and payment of expenses for Italian pilots training activity.