Italian designers created models of airplanes’ cabins for the world after pandemic
Italian designers Aviointeriors offered variants of changes in seats’ arrangement in economy class cabins that could appear in the airplanes after coronavirus pandemic ends.
As CNN reminds the same designers earlier attract attention with idea of standing room in passenger airplanes.
Now they offer two variants of passengers’ accommodation the goal of which is social distancing and people protection “in accordance with new requirements”.
“Janus” variant offers row of three seats, the middle seat is turned backwards. In addition to the fact that passengers are maximally distanced from each other, they are separated with a bulkhead made of “transparent material”.

As CNN marks, it is not specified weather entire cabin will be filled with such rows of the seats, however the row located near the exit cannot look like this due to safety reasons. Second variant doesn’t require capital repairs of the cabins of traditional airplanes.
Design “Glassafe” supposes separation of passengers with transparent bulkhead “that creates isolated space around person”. As CNN reminds distance between passengers still doesn’t meet modern recommendations of the medics of 1,5-2 meters.
Aviointeriors declared to American TV channel that airline companies have already shown interest to both variants.
After designers finish to work over their offers they should be approved by aviation safety authorities.