MC-21 will start to carry passengers in Summer 2022
First operator of the new airplane should become airline company “Rossiya”.
“Rossiya” expects to start transportation of the passengers on MC-21 in Summer 2022. If everything will go as planned Russian medium-haul passenger airplane may start commercial flights already in 2022 if certification tests will be finished and all the necessary documents will be received.

“Delivery of Superjet 100 to the fleet of “Rossiya” company and also receipt of the new airplanes takes place in accordance with approved schedule. All the airplanes Superjet 100 should be delivered to “Aeroflot” company till August 2022. Till the end of 2021 in the fleet of “Rossiya” company will be 66 units of Superjet 100. Till the end of 2022 their quantity will reach 87 units. In the end of the next year part of the airplanes produced domestically, including 4 airplanes MC-21, in the fleet of “Rossiya” airline company will make 66%. We are ready to accept 4 airplanes MC-21 in 2022 during planned terms and are anxiously waiting for this machine”, – “Aeroflot” CEO said.
On December 17th it was declared that planned certification period of the airplane MC-21 depends on the end date of the program of testing flights and on the speed of taking decision by Federal Air Transport Agency. But the end date of the testing flights depends a lot on weather conditions.
In November was informed that MC-21 has already made about 700 test flights and in fact first certification program was on the final stage and less than 50 flights remained to be made.