Over Boeing 737 MAX7 and MAX 7 increases tension. U.S. congress voted against deadline prolongation on reequipment of the airplanes
Deadline of reequipment of the airplanes with new warning system is December 27th 2022.
Boeing doesn’t meet earlier stipulated deadline for reequipment of their airplanes 737 MAX 7 and MAX 10 in accordance with requirement of U.S. regulatory authority but U.S. congress voted against prolongation of this term. In such a way tension over Boeing 737 MAX 7 and MAX 10 increases, airplanes’ deliveries will be delayed minimum by six months but manufacturer will continue to suffer loss due to demurrage of already assembled airplanes.
After two air crashes with Boeing 737 MAX flights of these airplanes have been suspended almost for 2 years. After this U.S. regulatory authority stipulated to modernize the airplanes including installation in the flight deck new warning system. These requirements involve airplanes MAX 7 and MAX 10 – they as well as all other representatives of the family should be also reequipped in accordance with requirements of the regulatory authority.

Deadline for modernization is December 27th of the current year. Boeing by all means tried to extend the deadline and postpone it to 2023 but U.S. Congress hasn’t supported this offer.
Data that Boeing will not manager to reequip the airplanes till the end of the year were informed earlier: company hasn’t carried out all necessary expertise and hasn’t presented all necessary documents to the middle of September that was necessary to be done for getting approval in December. But in case of positive decision of the Congress aviation company would have more time for making all necessary procedures.
Earlier Boeing company declared that negative decision on deadline extension may cause cancellation of production of the two models of airplanes on which for that time have been placed about 1000 orders. In fact, 737 MAX 7 and 737 MAX 10 will unlikely be cancelled but new certificate they will receive not earlier than on Summer 2023. Correspondingly deliveries of these airplanes to the customers will start at the best in the second half of the next year.