Record income of Atlas Air exceeded 1 billion USD. Part 2
Demand is growing.
Also, according to the managers of Atlas Air demand on cargo operations will remain high even if big passenger carriers will resume flights again and will widen their international networks returning part of cargo capacities. “When borders will start to open, part of the capacity will return but demand on all-freight service exceeds before-pandemic level. We do not expect that carrying capacity of passenger airline companies will return to the before-pandemic level and for sure it will not be tempos like cargo carriers have”.

Nevertheless, it is still not clear if this capacity will be returned on typical freight lines with transit points or will be more direct routes. Also, Altlas Air marks that not all important trade routes will recover so quickly. But, in spite of this, company is sure in the future and except 6 earlier acquired airplanes Boeing 747-400F in 2022 will be acquired five more. “Acquisition of these eleven airplanes underlines our confidence in wide-body all-cargo airplanes and will provide significant profit for Atlas in the nearest years”, – the company declares.
Agreements with the pilots.
One more important question for the company became settlement of labor conflict with trade union of the pilots in the framework of which was signed five-years labor agreement. “In accordance with this agreement all our pilots will receive higher salary, improvement of life quality and increased benefits in accordance with competitive environment on the market”, – Dietrich adds.
In such a way, Atlas Air Worldwide CEO marks that except additional profit the base of the future company will make pilots who will “provide competitive rates in the served industry”.