Seat map Airbus A319-100 “American Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
During Domestic flights American Airlines uses Airbus A319 airplane. The Airline Company uses two cabin types of this aircraft.
First cabin version of the Airbus A319-100
This is one of the American Airlines Airbus A319 versions. This type of Airbus A319 is used by the Company mainly for internal flights and it is the most common. The total amount of seats is 124. Places marked with white color are standard. The airplane’s board is divided into two classes. The rows from 1st to 3rd are of First class, from the 4th row Economy class begins.
The best places in this aircraft are marked with green color, i.e. seats 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E and 4F. The main advantage of these seats is extra room for passenger’s legs.
Seats 10A and 10F are also considered the best seats for the same reason. In front of these places emergency exits are located.
Seats 7A, 7F, 8A, 8F are also standard with insignificant remarks. There are no windows near these seats.
Seats 21C and 21D are located very close to lavatories. Passengers that visit them may bother you.
The worst places in the airplane are marked with red (9B, 9C, 9D and 9E) and the main reason is that these chairs are not reclining. Seats at row 22, in addition are located near lavatories.
Second cabin version of the Airbus A319-100
This is another version of American Airlines Airbus A319. It is also used for domestic flights. The total amount of seats in this Airbus A319 version is 128, 4 more than in previous version. This cabin vesrion of Airbus A319 airplane has three sections: First Class section with 4 places, Main Cabin Extra with 18 places and Economy class section with 102 seats.
All seats of this Airbus A319 version are equipped with touchscreen with wide selection of games, music, TV programs and movies.
The best places in this airplane version are located in the 14th (seats from 14 A to 14F) row as it is located in front of exit row what provides passengers with extra space for their legs making their trip more comfortable. For the same reason (location of exit row behind) the seats of 13th row (seats from 13 A to 13F) are not reclining.
Bad places of this aircraft are the same as in previous version and are located in the end of the airplane cabin. These are seats from 27A to 27F.