Seat map Airbus A321neo “Hawaiian Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
Airbus A321neo operated by Hawaiian Airlines may accommodate 179 passengers in three classes.
“First” class has 16 recliner seats with pitch 39 inches and seat configuration: 2-2, “Extra Comfort” class has 44 seats with pitch 35 inches and seat configuration: 3-3.
Main “Economy” Cabin has 129 standard seats with pitch 30 inches and seat configuration: 3-3.
Seat map of the of Airbus A321neo (321)

First 4 rows of the airplane offer seats of the first class. These rows have 2-2 configuration. So, there are totally 16 seats here. All these seats are standard, only the seats of the 1st row have such a disadvantage as proximity of the lavatory and galley located in front noise from which may cause discomfort to passengers of these seats.
First class seats are separated from extra comfort seats with a bulkhead. Behind the bulkhead are located three rows of Extra Comfort Class seats to book which and additional fee must be paid. Passengers of the seats of the 11th row will take advantage of extra legroom. These seats are considered good seats. However, the width of these seats is reduced a little because the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable. Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing is another disadvantage of these seats.
Guests seated in the Main Cabin and Extra Comfort section of our A321neo aircraft can stream inflight entertainment to their mobile devices, tablets or laptops.
The seats of the 15th row are the seats of economy class that are less reclining than standard or not reclining at all because of the exit row located behind.
Behind the exit row 11 more seats of extra comfort class are located. These seats are located in 2 rows. Additional legroom makes the seats 16ABC, 16HJ and 17G goo seats. Among disadvantages of these seats: reduced width and no floor storage during take-off and landing.
The next 10 rows of seats are the seats of the economy class. The seats of the 27th row have the following disadvantages: limited recline because of the lavatory wall located behind, noise from this lavatory and limited personal space when the seat in front is reclined.
Behind lavatories and exit row the last 16 seats of extra comfort class are located. These are seats of the rows 33-35. Four seats of the 33rd row offer extra legroom to passengers. At the same time these seats are slightly reduced because the tray tables are located in the armrest, have no floor storage during take-off and landing and are located close to the lavatories.
Row 23-24
As there are no seats in front passengers of the seats 34A and 34J will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom. However, these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing and have a little reduced seat width.
The last 11 rows are the seats of economy class. The main disadvantages of the seat45C are: noise from the lavatory and galley located behind and as there is no seat behind this seat is often bumped by other passengers passing by.
Limited recline, reduced personal space when the seat in front is reclined and the noise from the galley and lavatory located behind make the seats 45 GHJ and 46 AB bad seats.