Seat map Airbus A350-900 “Lufthansa”. Best seats in the plane
Lufthansa operates two versions of Airbus A350-900 airplane.
First cabin version of the Airbus A350-900 (359) V1
First version of Airbus A350-900 is the most common in the Lufthansa fleet.
This airplane offers 293 seats of three classes: business, premium economy and economy.
Business class seats are located in the first 8 rows. These seats are located in two sections. First section contains 6 rows of seats that have 2-2-2 configuration. All business class seats transform into flat beds. Passengers of the seats of the 1st row will feel comfortable because these seats provide privacy thanks to the bulkhead located in front. However, noise from the galley located in front may cause some discomfort.
The only disadvantage of the seats of the 6th row is location of the lavatory and galley behind.
Behind the exit row 2 more rows of business class are located. There are 12 more seats here. The seats of the 7th row have the same disadvantage as the seats of the 6th row i.e. proximity of the galley and lavatory.
Behind the bulkhead 3 rows of premium economy class are located. There are 21 recliner seats here. Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing is the main disadvantage of the seats of the 12th row.
Economy class may accommodate 224 passengers. The seats of economy class are divided into two sections.
Passengers of the seats of the 16th row will take advantage of extra legroom. However, as the tray tables and TV displays are located in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced a little. Also these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing. For passengers travelling with a partner will be ideal the seats 16AB and 16JK.
As there are no seats in front, passengers of the seats 18C and 18H will feel comfortable thanks to additional legroom. However for the same reason these seats are often bumped by other passengers passing by. Among other disadvantages: reduced width and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.
Due to the wall located behind the seats of the 26th row are less reclining than standard. Close location of the lavatories is another disadvantage of these seats.
Thanks to the exit row located in front the seats 27BC and 27HJ offer extra space to passengers’ legs. These seats are perfect for passengers travelling with couples. At the same time these seats have some disadvantages: reduced width because the tray table and TV displays are built-in the armrests making them immovable, lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and location of the lavatory in front. These disadvantages are also applicable to other seats of this row, i.e. for the seats 27DEG.
The seats 28A and 28K are the best seats in the economy class. These seats offer additional space to passengers’ legs. However, the armrests of these seats are immovable because the tray tables and entertainment monitors are installed here reducing the width of these seats.
Noise from the lavatory and galley is the only disadvantage of the seats 41D and 41G.
Limited recline and location of the galley and lavatory area behind make the seats 41ABC, 41HJK and 42DEG bad seats.
Second cabin version of the Airbus A350-900 (359) V2
Second version of Airbus A350-900 may accommodate 319 passengers in three classes.
Business class offers 36 flat bed seats that have 180 degrees recline. These seats are located in the first 6 rows that have 2-2-2 configuration. The seats of the 1st row are more private than other seats of business class. At the same time these seats are located close to the galley area that may cause discomfort to passengers.
Noise from the lavatory, self-service refreshment and galley area located behind is the main disadvantage of the seats of the 6th row.
Business class is separated from premium economy class with an exit row. Premium class offers 21 recliner seats. The seats are located in three rows that have 2-3-2 configuration. The seats of the 7th row have such disadvantages as lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and proximity of the galley and lavatories.
Behind the bulkhead two section of economy class seats are located. There are totally 262 seats here. First section consists of 14 rows that have 3-3-3 configuration. Passengers of the seats of the 11th row will take advantage of extra legroom. These seats are considered good seats. However, they have some disadvantages: reduced width because the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable and no floor storage during take-off and landing.
Due to lavatory walls located behind the seats of the 26th row are less reclining than standard and if the seats in front are reclined personal space of passengers of this row is reduced. The noise from the lavatories located behind may be also bothersome.
Second section of economy class seats is located behind exit row. The best seats of this section are the seats of the 27th row and the seats 28A and 28K. Passengers of these seats will feel comfortable thanks to additional legroom. Among disadvantages: reduced width of the seats and no floor storage during take-off and landing.
Lavatories and galley located behind may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 41DEG.
The seats 41ABC, 41HJK and 42DEG are considered bad seats because of the following disadvantages: close location of the galley and lavatory, reduced personal space when the seats in front are reclined and limited recline due to location of the lavatory wall behind.