Seat map Boeing 737-800 “Aeromexico”. Best seats in the plane
Aeromexico operates Boeing 737-800 during short and medium-haul fligths.
Seat map of the Boeing 737-800 (738)

Boeing 738-800 operated by Aeromexico offers 160 seats of three types: 16 seats of clase premier type (correspond to first class seats), 18 seats of AM Plus type and 126 seats of the economy class.
First 4 rows of seats are the seats of the first class. These seats have 2-2 configuration. All these seats are standard only the seats of the 1st class have some disadvantages: limited space for passengers’ legs and location of the lavatory and galley in front.
The seats of the first class are divided from the seats of AM Plus type with a bulkhead. These seats have 3-3 configuration and are located in 3 rows. AM Plus seats offer 4 additional inches of legroom. An extra fee must be paid to choose these seats.
As the tray tables of the seats of the 6th row are in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced a little. Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing is another disadvantage of these seats.
Economy class seats are located in three sections. All seats of the economy class have 3-3 configuration.
First section contains 4 rows of seats. Missing window makes the seat 9A bad seat. The only disadvantage of the seats 10A and 10F are misaligned windows. These seats are designated by Aeromexico as preferred seats to book which an additional fee must be paid.
Because of the exit row located behind the seats of the 12th row have limited recline.
Second section of economy class seats consists just of one row, 6 seats. As the seats of the 14th row are located between two exit rows, passengers of these seats will take advantage of extra space and extra legroom but at the same time these seats are less reclining than standard. Also these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.
Behind the exit row the third section of economy class seats is located. This section contains 16 rows. Passengers of the seats of the 15th row will feel comfortable thanks to extra space for their legs. These seats are designated as preferred seats to choose which an extra fee must be paid. However, these seats are a little narrower than standard and have no floor storage during take-off and landing.
Additional inch of legroom makes the seats of the rows 28-29 the best seats.
Limited recline and location of the lavatories behind make the seats of the 30th row bad seats.
Usefull information about “Aeromexico”
- Rating and reviews about “Aeromexico”
- Boeing 737-800 Aeromexico. Photos and description of the plane
- Aeromexico – company description and aircrafts fleet