Seat map Boeing 747-400 “Delta Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
Boeing 747-400 of Delta Airline may transport 376 passengers. It is used by Delta Airlines during long haul international flights from 2011.
Seat map of the Boeing 747-400
Business Elite Class of Boeing 747-400 has two levels and includes 48 flat bed seats: 34 on first level and 14 on upper.
The seats 1A and 1K are the best seats of this class as they are located in such a way that makes these seats very private. As the seats 1A and 1K are located very close to each other, it is better when they are given to passengers who travel together. The seats 11A and 11K don’t have overhead bins for hand-luggage as well as the seat 5E.
Close location of the seats of the 6th, 9th and 13th row to the galleys and lavatories may be bothersome for passengers of these seats.
All the seats of the Upper Deck are standard only passenger of the seat 80K may feel some discomfort because of proximity of the stairs and the galley.
Economy Comfort class holds 42 standard seats located just in 5 rows. The seats of the 22nd row are located near the stairs that go to upper deck, lavatories and the galley. This neighborhood, of course, may cause inconvenience to the passengers of these seats. Also these seats may have restricted space for passengers’ legs and as the tray tables are in the armrests, the width of these seats is reduced. The seats of the 22nd row do not have floor storage during takeoff and landing.
The seats 24D, 24E, 24F and 24G have the same disadvantages as close location to the galley, reduced width of the seats, lack of floor storage but at the same time passengers of these seats may feel comfortable as here is extra legroom. But other passengers may tend to pass through this area.
The seats 28A and 28K, 29A and 29K have misaligned windows. However, these seats are designated by Delta Airlines as Preferred Seats that may be chosen by Delta Medallion Members at tine of booking or afterwards.
The seats 35A and 35J are fully reclining. Passengers of these seats may feel comfortable thanks to the extra space for their legs. As the tray tables are built-in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced. There is no floor storage for these seats during takeoff and landing. These seats may be selected by Delta Medallion members at time of booking or later. These seats become available for other passengers at time of check-in.
The seats 35C and 35H are considered good seats as they offer more legroom to their passengers and can fully recline. However these seats have also such disadvantages as reduced width of the seat and lack of floor storage during takeoff and landing.
The seats 35D, 35D, 35F and 35G have the same disadvantages plus restricted legroom.
The seats of the 43rd row are the seats of the last row in the section and their proximity to the lavatories and galley may be bothersome.
Economy class includes 286 standard seats.
Passengers of the seats of 51st row will feel comfortable thanks to the extra space in front of their seats. Disadvantages of these seats are common: close location to the galleys, lack of floor storage during takeoff and landing and reduced width of the seats as the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable. Nevertheless these seats are considered by Delta Airlines preferred seats that may be selected by Delta Medallion members. These seats may be given to other passengers at time of check-in if available.
The seats 53D, 53E, 53F and 53G have the same peculiarities as the seats of the 51st row. The only difference is restricted space in front because of the bulkhead location.
The seats 66A and 66C , 66H and 66K are ideal only if travelling with a companion. Close location of these seats as well as of the seats of the last 67th row to the lavatories may cause inconvenience to passengers of these seats.
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- Boeing 747-400 Delta Airlines. Photos and description of the plane
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