Seat map Boeing 747-800 “Lufthansa”. Best seats in the plane
Lufthansa runs 4 versions of Boeing 747-800.
First cabin version of the Boeing 747-800 (748) V1
First version of Boeing 747-8 operated by Lufthansa is the most common version. It has three classes of seats and consists of two decks.
The lower deck may accommodate 330 passengers in all 3 seats.
First class has 8 open suites that have 180 degree recline. All these seats are standard. The seats 3D and 3G are perfect for passengers who are traveling with a partner.
Seats of the Business class are located both in the lower and in the upper deck. Business class of the lower deck is divided into two section. The first section contains 6 rows of seats that have 2-2-2 configuration. The only disadvantage of the seats of the 4th row (first row in the Business class) is close location of the lavatory and galley.
All D and G seats in Business class have larger center armrest that provides a little more room and privacy.
Proximity of the lavatories may cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 9C and 9H.
The second section of the business class is located behind exit row and galleys and includes 4 rows of seats per 6 in each. Close location of the seats of 10th row to the galleys may be bothersome.
This cabin version of Boeing 747-8 has 262 seats that have 113 degree recline. These seats are located in two sections. Most of the seats in Economy class have 3-4-3 configuration.
The seats 21BC and 21HJ have some extra space for passengers’ legs. However, these seats are a little narrower than standard as tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable. Other passengers tend to gather in these area in order to visit lavatories.
The best seats on the airplane are the seats 22A and 22K as these seats have extra legroom due to the missing seat in front. The other seats of the 22nd row and namely the seats 22DEFG have less legroom because of the bulkhead position and the width of these seats is slightly reduced as the tray tables are built-in the armrests.
The seats 32DEFG and the seats of the 33rd row have limited recline as these are the seats of the last rows in the section, close location of the galleys may cause discomfort as well.
The second section of economy class is located behind another exit row and galleys. Passengers who are traveling with infants are often seated on the seats 34ABC and 34HJK as these seats have bassinet location. All seats of the 34th row have limited space for passengers’ legs because of the bulkhead position. As the tray tables are built-in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced. Proximity of the galleys may cause inconvenience as well.
BC and HJ seats of the rows 45-47 are perfect for passengers who are traveling with a partner. B and J seats of these rows have some additional space at the windows’ side as there are no seats but it is also a disadvantage as there is no wall to lean against.
Proximity of the lavatories may represent a problem for passengers of the seats 48DEFG and 49DEFG. Another disadvantage ofthe seats 49DEFG is limited recline.
The upper deck contains 32 seats of business class located in 8 rows that are divided into 2 sections. The main disadvantage of the seats 81C and 81H is proximity of the lavatories. Close location of the lavatory may also cause inconvenience to passenger of the seat 88H.
Second cabin version of the Boeing 747-800 (748) V2
The second version of Boeing 747-8 includes 386 seats divided into three classes.
First class seats have 180 degree recline. There are totally 8 open suites here. The seats 3D and 3G are perfect for passengers who are traveling with a partner.
Business class seats are located both in the lower and in the upper deck of the airplane. The lower deck has 48 seats divided into two sections. First section consists of 6 rows that have 2-2-2 configuration. Passengers of the seats of 4th row may feel discomfort due to proximity of the galley and lavatories.
All D and G seats of the business class have larger center armrest that provides additional room and privacy.
Close location of the lavatories may represent a problem for passengers of the seats 9C and 9H.
The second section of business class consists of 2 rows per 6 seats in each. Proximity of the galleys may be bothersome for passengers of the seats of 10th row.
Economy class includes 298 standard seats with 113 degree recline. Economy class seats are divided into three section. First section is the smallest. It contains 4 rows of seats.
The seats of the 16th row have some extra space for passengers’ legs as these seats are divided from Business class seats with a curtain. As the tray tables are in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced a little. Also these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.
The seats 18DEFG are considered best seats as they have extra legroom because of the bulkhead position. The tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable and reducing the width of the seats.
The seats 20A and 20K have no windows. As the 20th row is the last row in the section the seats 20DEFG may be less reclining due to the wall located behind.
The second section of seats has 13 rows of seats. The seats 21BC and 21HJ have extra legroom as these seats are located behind the exit row. However, other passengers tend to gather in this area in order to visit lavatories. As the tray tables are in the armrests, the width of these seats is reduced a little.
The seats 22A and 22K are considered the best seats as they have extra space for passengers’ legs due to the missing seats in front. The seats 22DEFG on the contrary have less legroom because of the bulkhead position and are a little narrower than standard as the tray tables are in the armrests.
The seats of the last rows in the section, i.e. the seats 32DEFG and the seats of the 33rd row are less reclining because of the wall located behind. Proximity of the galleys may also cause inconvenience.
The third section of Economy class is located behind another exit row and galleys proximity of which may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats of 34th row. These seats may have limited legroom because of the bulkhead position and are slightly narrower as the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable. The seats 34ABC and 34HJK are often given to passengers with babies as these seats have bassinet location.
For passengers who are traveling with a companion will be perfect seats DC and HJ of the rows 45-47. In addition seats B and J of these rows have extra space at one of the sides as there are no windows seats in these rows.
The seats 47BC and 47HJ may have limited recline. Close location to the lavatories may be bothersome for passengers of the seats of 48th and 49th rows. The seats 49DEFG also have limited recline.
The upper deck includes 8 rows of business class seats that have 2-2 configuration. The only disadvantage of the seats 81C and 81H is close location of the lavatories. This disadvantage is also applicable for the seat 88H.
Third cabin version of the Boeing 747-800 (748) V3
The third version of Boeing 747-8 operated by Lufthansa may transport 364 passengers in four classes.
First class may transport 8 passengers. It has 3 rows of 8 open suites. Passengers traveling with a companion will feel comfortable on the seats 3D and 3G.
Business class of the lower deck has 8 rows of seats per 6 in each. First section of seats includes 6 rows. The only disadvantage of the seats of 4th row is close location of the galley and lavatories. Proximity of the lavatories may also cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats of 9th row.
The second section of the business class contains 2 rows of seats that have 2-2-2 configuration. All these seats are standard only proximity to the bulkhead and galleys may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 10AC and 10HK.
Behind the Business class are located 4 rows of Economy class seats. The seats of the 16th row and seats 18DEFG have less space for passengers’ legs because of the bulkhead position. The seats 20A and 20K are considered bad seats as these seats have limited recline, have no windows and are located close to the lavatories. The other seats of the 20th row have the same disadvantages: limited recline and proximity of the lavatories.
Premium Economy class includes 32 seats located in 4 rows that have 2-4-2 configuration. Passengers of the seats 22AC and 22HK will take advantage of extra space for their legs thanks to the exit row located in front. At the same time other passengers tend to gather in this area in order to visit lavatories. The seats 22DEFG on the contrary have limited legroom due to the bulkhead position. Proximity of the lavatories is another disadvantage of these seats.
Economy class located behind Premium class consists of 23 rows of seats divided into 2 sections. 7 rows are located in the first section and 16 rows in the second one. The seats of the 27th row have extra space for passengers’ legs but are a little narrower than standard as they tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable.
The seats 32DEFG are located close to the galleys and this may cause discomfort to passengers of these seats. Close location of the galleys will be also a problem for passengers of the seats of 33rd row. These seats may also have limited recline.
Proximity of the galleys is the main disadvantage of the seats of 34th row.
Close location of the lavatories may represent problem for passengers of the seats 47BC, 47HJ, 48D, 48G and of the seats of the last 49th row. In addition the seats 47BC and 47HJ as well as the seats of the 49th row may have limited recline that is why these seats are considered bad seats.
The Business class of the upper deck may accommodate 32 passengers in 8 rows. All these seats are standard only proximity of the lavatories may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 81C, 81H and 88H.
Fourth cabin version of the Boeing 747-800 (748) V4
The fourth version of Boeing 747-8 has also 4 classes of seats: first, business, premium economy and economy.
First class has 8 open suites located in 3 rows. All of them are standard.
Behind the first class are located seats of the business class that is divided into two sections. First section consists of 6 rows of seats that have 2-2-2 configuration. The first row of the section, i.e. the seats of the 4th row are located close to the lavatories and galleys that may cause discomfort to passengers of these seats. Proximity of the lavatories may also represent a problem to passengers of the last row in first section. i.e. of the seats of 9th row.
The second section of business class has 4 rows of seats per 6 in each. Close location of the bulkhead and galleys may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 10AC and 10HK.
Passengers of the seats 14C, 14DG and 14H may feel discomfort because of the proximity of lavatories.
Premium economy seats are located in 4 rows and have 2-4-2 configuration. The seats of the 22nd row have extra legroom thanks to the exit row located in front but at the same time other passengers tend to gather in this area in order to visit lavatories.
Economy class consists of 2 section of seats. Most of the seats of economy class have 3-4-3 configuration. Passengers of the seats of 27th row will take advantage of extra space for their legs, but the width of these seats is reduced a little as the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable.
The only disadvantage of the seats of the last rows in the first section, i.e. the seats 32DEFG and the seats of the 33rd row is close location of the galleys.
The second section of economy class is located behind exit row and galleys. That is why passengers of the seats of 34th row may feel some discomfort because of proximity of the galleys.
The seats 47BC and 47HJ may be less reclining and their close location to lavatories may also represent a problem to passengers of these seats as well as to passengers of the seats 48D and 48G.
49th row is the last row of the airplane and the seats of this row are considered bad seats as they may have limited recline and are located close to the lavatories.
The upper deck of this airplane is allocated for passengers of the business class. 32 seats are located here. The seats 81C and 81H have such a disadvantage as proximity of the lavatories. Passengers of the seat 88H may also fell discomfort because of close location of the lavatory and galleys.
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