Seat map Bombardier CRJ-900 “SkyWest”. Best seats in the plane
Seat map of the Bombardier CRJ-900 Delta Connection Skywest. 76 passengers
SkyWest operated 36 airplanes Bombardier CRJ-900.
This airplane may accommodate 76 passengers. The flight crew consists of 2 members plus 2 flight attendants. Maximum operating altitude of Bombardier CRJ900 is 12497 meters.
This version of airplane offers seats of three classes: first, comfort plus and main cabin.
First class seats have 1-2 configuration and are located in the rows 1-4. So, first class may accommodate 12 passengers. A seats of the rows 1-4 must be selected by passengers they need more privacy and who are travelling alone. For passengers who travel with a partner will be ideal C and D seats of the rows 1-4. First class seats have 19.75 inches width.
The seats of the rows 5-9 offer seats of comfort plus class. These seats have 2-2 configuration. The width of these seats is 17.25 inches.
Behind comfort plus seats 11 rows of economy class seats are located. These seats offer 17.25 inches width as well as comfort plus seats.
Due to the exit row located behind the seats of the 11th row may have limited recline.
As the seats of the 12th row are located between two exit rows passengers of these seats on the one hand will take advantage of extra legroom but in the other these seats are less reclining than standard.
Passengers of the seats of the 13th row will feel comfortable thanks to additional legroom. These seats are considered the best seats of the main cabin.
Noise from the lavatories located behind makes the seats of the 20th row bad seats.
Usefull information about “SkyWest”
- Rating and reviews about “SkyWest”
- Photos of the Bombardier CRJ-900 “SkyWest”
- SkyWest – company description and aircrafts fleet