Seat map Embraer ERJ-190 “American Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
Embraer ERJ-190 is used by American Airlines during domestic short-haul flights.
Seat map of the Embraer ERJ-190
Embraer ERJ-190 may transport 99 passengers in two classes.
First class may accommodate 11 passengers. The seats 1D and 1F have extra space for passengers legs but their close location to the lavatories may be bothersome. The seat 2A has also extra legroom, at the same time the seat width is reduced as the armrest is immovable and there is no floor storage during takeoff and landing.
Economy class may transport 88 passengers. The seats are located in 22 rows in 2-2 configuration. The best seats in this part of the airplane are the seats of the 5th and 12th row as passengers of these seats may take advantage of extra space for their legs.
The seats of the 11th row are not reclining as behind them emergency exit is located.
The seats of the 26th row are bad seats as they do not recline and proximity of lavatory and galley may be bothersome.
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