Seat map Embraer ERJ-190AR “Air Canada”. Best seats in the plane
Embraer ERJ-190 is mainly used by Air Canada during short-haul internal flights.
Seat map of the Embraer ERJ-190
Embraer ERJ-190 may transport 97 passengers in two classes.
Business class consists of 3 rows of seats that have 1-2 configuration. The seats of the 1st row have limited space for passengers’ legs. As to the seats of the 3rd row, these seats are not reclining.
There are 88 seats in the Economy class. These seats are located in 22 rows per 2 in each (2-2 configuration).
Economy class seats are divided into two sections. First section consists of 7 rows of seats, 5 of these rows are rows with preferred seats. These seats may be reserved by any passenger for additional fee. Elite members may reserve these seats free of charge. The seats 12A and 12DF have less room for passengers’ knees and legs because of the bulkhead position. Also these seats have no overhead and floor storage. Passengers of the seat 12C on the contrary will take advantage of extra knee and legroom. But this seat has no overhead bin and floor storage as well.
The seats of the last row of the first section, i.e. the seats of the 18th row are less reclining because of the exit row located behind.
The second section of Economy class consists of 15 rows of seats. The seats of the 19th row are designated by Air Canada as preferred seats to reserve which extra fee should be paid. Elite level members may reserve these seats with no additional cost. These seats are considered the best seats as passengers of these seats will feel comfortable here thanks to the extra legroom.
The seats of the last 33rd row are considered bad seats as they have no overhead storage, do not recline and are located close to the lavatory and galley that may represent a problem.
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- Embraer ERJ-190 Air Canada. Photos and description of the plane
- Air Canada – company description and aircrafts fleet