The biggest Canadian airline company will discharge more than 15 thousand employees temporarily
The biggest Canadian airline company will discharge more than 15 thousand employees temporarily because of reduction of the flights die to corona-virus pandemic – is said in the company’s website.
According to declaration “due to unprecedented impact of COVID-19 upon its business” airline company will temporarily discharge 15,2 thousand employees and will place 1,3 thousand managers on leave without pay. New measure went into effect since April 3rd.

“The unpredictable extent and duration of the Covid-19 pandemic requires a significant overall response. To furlough such a large proportion of our employees is an extremely painful decision but one we are required to take given our dramatically smaller operations for the next while. It will help ensure that Air Canada can manage through this crisis that is affecting airlines everywhere.” – Air Canada CEO Calin Rovinescu said. His words are cited in the message.
Earlier in March trade union of Air Canada stewards announced that 5149 employees will be temporarily discharged due to COVID-19 outbreak. Trade Union claimed that discharged employees will be able to receive labor insurance and assistance.
Discharges will stretch over April and May on the background of severe reduction of the flights’ carrying capacity of the Montreal airline company.
Air Canada declared that two-months leaves will affect about one third of administrative and non-operational staff including employees of the head office in addition to advanced workers.
Air carrier also reduced 85-90% of the flights cancelling major part of international and American routes as reply on global border closure.