To 2040 Boeing plans to sell to China 8.7 thousand airplanes
Their cost will make 1.47 trillion USD.
American aviation company Boeing to 2040 plans to sell to Chinese airline companies 8.7 thousand airplanes with total cost of 1.47 trillion USD – the press release published on the company’s web-site says.
According to the forecasts of the corporation in the nearest 20 years PRC will have to increase number of employees in the area of air transport by 400 thousand people – pilots, technical specialists, flights attendants. According to Boeing calculations company annually crates in China gross product for amount of 1.5 billion USD furthering training of professional staff.

“There are good opportunities that allow to significantly increase number of international directions (to China) that foreseen long-haul flights and also increase traffic-carrying capacity”, – Managing Director of the Chinese division Richard Wynn declared. As he specified, fast recovery of the Chinese airlines industry amid the pandemic testify flexibility and high potential of the Chinese market.
The press release marks that company builds partnership relations with China based on the principles of respect and mutual trust. “PRC also serves as supplier of the components for all the models of our passenger airplanes” – it says.