Today September 30th will be closed the oldest airport in China
First Chinese airport Beijing Nányuàn has stopped serving passenger airplanes today, September 30th after opening the new International airport Daxing the biggest airport in the world.
Nányuàn airport was built in 1919. In August 1913 first flight school in China was opened here and then first aircraft factory. Initially Nányuàn was used as military aerodrome and later began to serve commercial aviation. Till today it was used both as commercial and military aerodrome. In Nányuàn operated only China United Airlines that from September 25th began to make flights from Daxing airport.

Construction of the biggest International airport Daxing was finished in Beijing on June 30th. Official opening of the airport took place on September 25th. Daxing aiport has the only terminal in the form of “gold phoenix” with surface of 1 million square meters. Launching into operation of the new airport was coincided with 70 years of PRC formation.
Daxing airport is located on the South of Beijing in 46 kilometers from the city’s center. New aiport will have four flight strips and will be able to take up to 620 thousand flights annually. The project provides that acceptanc rate of the gateway to 2025 will be able to make 72 million people. Besides, to 2025 new Beijing aiport should process up to 2 million tones of cargo annually.
Daxing is positioned as the biggest International air hub and the most difficult engineer project of airport terminal in the world. The roof of the airport is already considered the biggest steel made roof of airport terminal in the world that has surface equal to 25 standard football fields. World famous architecture and designer Zaha Hadid participated in engineering the roof design. Besides, Daxing is the biggest building in the world without structural stiches.