Transport plane A400M will be able to land on the beach
New military transport aircraft Airbus A400M successfully went through first phase of tests in the frame of which it has to learn how to land on unprepared coast.
Royal Air Force declared that military transport aircraft Airbus A400M successfully went through first phase of tests on landing on the coast with load. Tests took place on the beach in South Wales. New flying machine showed capabilities of take-off, landing and taxiing.

Rough ground capability (without prepared fly grounds) significantly increases potential of Airbus A400M making it extremely pliable machine for Britain Air Force.
It should be marked that as to 2018 Great Britain has approximately 20 units of such airplanes having total stock of orders of 22 machines. Totally countries acquired more than 170 units of Airbus A400M.
In the quality of useful load of the airplane may serve up to 120 airlifted personnel or 27 tones of any cargo. Interior space allows transporting up to two strike helicopters.