What happens if lightning strikes the airplane? Part 1
It is said that the airplanes are the safest transport but there are also people who are afraid to fly. And fear of air may become even stronger if you will say to the person that the airplanes are often stroke with lightings.
In fact the lightning strikes in the airplanes are not uncommon but such accidents are not serious for flights though airplanes are suspended from flights for a while.

If the lightning strikes the airplane passengers may have problems with their electronic devices.
As pilots explain more often the lightings strikes the tail of the wing or the fore body, comes over entire body of the airplane and comes out another point. Statistics says that jet airplanes twice a year become the target of the lightning. Such accidents may damage the aircraft covering though in rare cases they may damage electric system however not significantly.
On the airplane any device is shielded but passengers may have some failures if they were using electronics at the moment of the lightning strike.
If the lightning strikes the airplane on the aircraft covering may burnout several clamps but it is just small repair that will be made during five minutes after the inspection of the airplane. If the lightning strikes the airplane it will never reach the fuel tank.