Seat map Boeing 747-400 “United Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
Boeing 747-700 oprerated by United Airlines may accommodate 374 passengers in 4 classes.
Seat map of the Boeing 747-400 (744)
First class consists of 12 open suites that have 180 degrees recline. All these seats have no floor storage. The seats 1A and 1K as well as the seats 3C and 3H and the seats 4C and 4H have no overhead storage as well.
The seats 2A and 2K have smaller overhead bins and a standard roller bag may not fit inside.
Close location of the galley may represent a problem for passengers of the seats of 4th row.
The seats of Business First class are located both in the lower deck and in the upper deck. In the lower deck the seats are located in 2 sections. First section contains 3 rows of flat bed seats that have 2-4-2 configuration. The seats in the Business First class have 180 degree recline. All these seats are standard. The only disadvantage of the seats 6ABC and 6HJKand of the seats of 8th row is proximity of the lavatories that may be bothersome.
The second section of the Business First class includes 4 seats. As these seats are located near the stairs to the upper deck and galley, passengers of these seats may feel discomfort because of the noise that comes from the galley and stairs. Another disadvantage of these seats is that this area is colder than other parts of the airplane.
There are 70 seats in the Economy Plus class. The seats are located in 7 rows per 10 in each. The seats of the 19th row may have less space for passengers’ legs. Among disadvantages of these seats: lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and slightly reduced width of the seats.
The seats 21A and 21K as well as the seats 25A and 25Khave no windows. But the seats 22A, 22K, 23A, 23K, 24A and 24K have misaligned windows.
Economy class has totally of 240 seats that are located in 2 sections.
The seats 33A and 33K are considered bad seats as they are missing windows, have limited legroom because of the protrusion of the exit door. As the tray tables are in the armrests, the width of these seats is reduced a little. Also there is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing.
The other seats of the 33rd row, i.e. the seats 33BC and 33HJ on the contrary may have extra legroom. However other passengers tend to gather in this area in order to visit lavatories, tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable and reducing the width of these seats. Another disadvantage of these seats is lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.
The seats 34DEFG have the following disadvantages: limited space for passengers’ legs because of the bulkhead position, proximity of the lavatories, reduced width of the seats and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.
Proximity of the galleys may cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 41C, 41DEFG, 41H, 42C and 42 H and of the seats of 43rd row. Also the seats 41DEFG and the seats of the 43rd row may be less reclining.
The second section of economy class includes 142 seats. The seats 45A and 45K may have less legroom because of the exit door protrusion. Close location of the galleys may represent a problem to passengers of these seats. As the tray tables are in the armrests, the width of these seats is reduced. There is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing.
Passengers of the seats 45BC and 46HJ will feel comfortable thanks to the extra legroom. At the same time proximity of the galleys may be bothersome. Among other disadvantages: lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and reduced width of the seats.
Proximity of the galleys may also cause discomfort to passengers of the seats of the rows 46-48.
The seats 49DEFG have the following peculiarities: limited space for passengers’ legs due to the bulkhead position, lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and presence of TV screens the light from which may be bothersome for passengers when trying to fall asleep.
The seats 57C and 57H are standard but other passengers and crew members passing by tend to bump into these seats.
Passengers of the seats 60B and 60J may feel cramped because of the curvature of the plane’s tail and have restricted legroom due to the entertainment equipment that is stored here.
The main disadvantage of the seats of the last 61st row is close location of the galleys.
The upper deck contains 20 seats of Business First class. As the seats 12JK are located near lavatories, passengers of these seats may feel some discomfort. Proximity of the galley may cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 17JK.
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