Seat map Boeing 757-200 “Delta Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
Delta Airlines operates 9 versions of Boeing 757-200 airplane. All Boeing 757-200 airplanes are used by Delta Airlines during flights within North America.
First cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (757/75U)
First Cabin version of Boeing 757-200 aircraft includes 180 passenger seats in three classes.
First class may transport 24 passengers. Seats of the first class are located in 2-2 configuration in 6 rows. The seats of the 1st row have restricted space for passengers’ legs because of the bulkhead position. These seats have no floor storage during takeoff and landing and their close position to the galley may be bothersome.
The seats of the 6th row are located in the last row of this section and may have limited recline. Proximity of the lavatory and the galley may cause inconvenience to passengers of these seats.
Economy Comfort section has 20 standard seats. The seats of the 19th row have no overhead bins for hand-luggage and also there is no floor storage during takeoff and landing. As the tray tables are in the armrests, they are immovable and this fact reduces the width of these seats. Vicinity of the lavatory and galleys may also cause disturbance. Thanks to the exit row located in front passengers of the seats 19D and 19F may feel more comfortable having extra legroom. Passenger of the seat 19F on the contrary will have less legroom because of the exit door protrusion.
The only disadvantage of the seat 20A is proximity of the galley.
Main disadvantages of the seats 21A, 21B and 21C are as follows: restricted legroom, close location to the galley, reduced width of the seats and lack of floor storage during takeoff and landing.
The seats 22A and 22F have no windows.
Economy class may accommodate 136 passengers.
The seats 25D, 25E and 25F are not reclining because of the exit row located behind.
The seats of the 26th row have extra legroom thanks to the exit row in front but are not reclining due to another exit row located behind. As the tray tables are located in the armrests, the width of these sweats is reduced. These seats may be selected by Delta Medallion members at time of booking or afterwards and become available for other passengers at time of check-in.
The best seats on this airplane are the seats of the 27th row. Passengers of these seats may feel comfortable due to extra space for their legs but the width of these seats is reduced because the tray tables are in the armrests. Delta Airlines considers this seats Preferred Seats that are first offered to Medallion members and only if available at time of check-in these seats may be given to other passengers.
Close location to the lavatories may cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 44C and 44D and of the last, 45th row. Also, the seats of the 45th row may have limited recline because of the wall located behind this row.
Second cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (75A) Pacific
This version as well as previous has seats divided into three classes.
Business class has 6 rows of seats located in 2-2 configuration what makes 24 seats. All these seats are reclining and standard. Only close location of the seats 1C and 1D to the galley may be bothersome.
Economy Comfort seats introduced by Delta Airlines in 2011 are located in front of Economy class. This version has 3 rows of such seats located in 3-3 configuration. The seats of the 16th row are located close to the lavatory and galley. This fact may cause inconvenience to passengers of these seats. Also, the width if these seats is reduced as the armrests are immovable and there is no floor storage for these seats during takeoff and landing.
132 seats of Economy class are located in 22 rows.
The seats of the 20th row are less reclining or do not recline at all due to the emergency exit located behind. The seats of the 21st row have the same disadvantage as the seats of 20th row as there is another exit behind this row. But passengers of these seats may feel comfortable thanks to the extra legroom. As the tray tables are in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced. These seats may be selected by Delta Medallion members at time of booking or later and become available for other passengers only at time of check-in.
The best seats on this airplane are the seats of the 22nd row as passengers of these seats will take advantage of the extra space for their legs, however, the width of these seats is slightly reduced. These seats are considered by Delta Airlines Preferred seats and they are given to Medallion members first and only if available at time of check-in these seats are offered to other passengers.
Proximity of the lavatories may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 39C and 39D and for passengers of the last 40th row.
Third cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (75E) Transatlantic
The third version of Boeing 757-200 may transport 171 passengers.
Delta One section has 16 angle-flat seats with 160 degrees recline. The seats are located in 2-2 configuration in 4 rows. The seats 1A and 1B are the best seats of this section as they have more legroom than other seats. However, there is no floor storage for these seats during takeoff and landing.
Passengers of the seats 1C and 1D may also take advantage of extra space for their legs. These seats have such disadvantages as lack of floor storage during takeoff and landing and close location to the galleys.
The main disadvantage of the seats of 4th row is proximity of the galley and lavatory.
Delta Comfort + includes 25 standard seats. The best seats in this section are the seats 18D and 18E. Passengers of this seats will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom as in front of this seats exit row is located. As the tray tables are in the armrests, the armrests are immovable what reduces the width of the seats. The seat 18E has also extra space at the right side as there is no window seat.
The seats 19A, 19B and 19C have extra legroom due to the exit row located in front and due to the fact that there are no seats there. However, the width of these seats is reduced as the armrests are immovable. In front of this row there are two crew seats. The seat 19F also has extra legroom due to the missing seat in front but the emergency door protrudes here. The width of this seats is also reduced.
The seats 22A and 22F have no windows.
Economy class may accommodate 136 passengers.
Economy class includes 130 standard seats.
The seats 23A and 23F, 26A, 28F have no windows-side armrest. It may be uncomfortable for passengers of these seats. Delta Airlines designates these seats as preferred seats that may be chosen by Delta Medallion members when booking or afterwards.
The seats 29F, 30A, 30F, 31F, 32A do not have windows-side armrests as well. Another disadvantage of these seats is that the view is slightly blocked by the wings.
The seat 33F also doesn’t have windows-side armrest.
Some passengers of the seats 35A, 35B and 35C have reported that these seats are tighter than other standard seats of economy class. Also these seats are located close to the lavatories. Overhead bins are also smaller as compared to the other seats.
The best seats in this section are the seats 35D, 35E and 35F as there is a lot of space in front of these seats due to the missing row in front. Close location to the lavatories may be bothersome. Also the width of these seats is slightly reduced as the armrests are immovable. During long-haul international flights these seats are used by crew members for having rest.
Passengers of the seats of the 36th row may take advantage of extra legroom in front. Only in case of the seats 36A and 36F the emergency slide protrudes into this space. Close location of these seats to the lavatories may be a problem. As Personal TV and tray table are in the armrests, the width of the seats is reduced. These seats have no floor storage during takeoff and landing. These seats are considered preferred seats and may be selected by Delta Medallion members at time of booking or later and become available for other passengers only at time of check-in.
Proximity of the galley may be bothersome for passengers of the last 44th row.
Fourth cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (75H)
This version of Boeing 757-200 airplane may transport 199 passengers in three classes.
First class has 20 recliner seats that are located 2-2 configuration. All the seats of first class are standard only close location of the seats of the 1st row may be bothersome.
Delta Comfort+ has 29 seats. The seats of the 15th row have only one peculiarity such as lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.
Proximity to the lavatories may be uncomfortable for passengers of the seats 16C, 16D, 16E, 16F and 17C. The seats 16D, 16E and 16F may be less reclining or not reclining at all.
Passengers of the seats 18D and 18E may take advantage of extra space for their legs due to the exit row located in front. These seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing and the width of these seats is reduced as the tray tables are built in the armrests making them immovable. Also close location to the lavatory may cause inconvenience to passengers of these seats.
As there are no seats in front, the seats 19A, 19B, 19C and 19F have extra legroom. During take-off and landing these seats do not have floor storage. The width of the seats 19A, 19B and 19C is slightly reduced.
Economy class has 150 standard seats.
Due to the exit row located behind the seats of the 25th row may be less reclining or not reclining at all.
As the seats of the 26th row are located between two exit rows, passengers of these may take advantage of extra space for their legs but at the same time these seats have limited recline. Also these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.
The best seats in this part of the airplane are the seats of the 27th row. The main advantage of these seats is extra legroom, the main disadvantage – lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.
Proximity of the lavatories is the main disadvantage of the seats 44C and 44D, and the seats of the last 45th row.
Fifth cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (75M)
This version of Boeing 757-200 is used by Delta Airlines during internal flights and may transport 181 passengers.
First class includes 22 seats. The seats 1A and 1B have less space for passengers legs as in front of these seats bulkhead is located. Another disadvantage of these seats is close location to lavatory and galleys.
The best seats in this section are considered seats 2C and 2D as there is extra legroom here but lack of the floor storage during take-off and landing may be inconvenient.
Passengers of the seats of the 6th row may feel uncomfortable because of proximity of the galley and lavatory
In Delta Comfort+ section there are 18 seats. The best seats in this part of the airplane are the seats of the 16th row and the seats 17D, 17E and 17F. All these seats have such an advantage as extra legroom thanks to the exit row located in front of these seats. As there are no seats in front, the tray tables and TV are in the armrests making them immovable and reducing the width of the seats. Close location to the galley and lavatory may cause some inconvenience. There is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing.
The seats 19A and 19F have no windows.
Economy class has 141 seats.
The seats 20A and 20F are the seats with missing windows.
The seats 23A, 23F and 24A, 24F have extra legroom but the emergency slide protrudes to these area. The width of these seats is reduced as the tray tables are in the armrests.
The best seats of this part of airplane are the seats B,C, D and E in the 23rd and 24th row. Passengers of these seats will feel comfortable thanks to the extra space for their legs and full recline of the seats. The armrests are immovable and that is why the width of these seats is slightly reduced.
Close location to the lavatories represents disadvantage for passengers of the seats 41C and 41D as well as of the seats of the last 42nd row. The seats of the 41st row may also be less reclining. That is why these seats are considered bad seats.
Sixth cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (75N)
The sixth version of Boeing 757-200 includes 182 passengers seats. This cabin version is the most common.
First class may accommodate 22 passengers. The seats 1A and 1B are bulkhead seats and are located close to the galley. These seats have smaller overhead storage space. The seat 1A during long-haul flights is reserved for crew members,
The best seats of first class are the seats 2C and 2D. Passengers of these seats will feel comfortable due to extra legroom.
Delta Comfort+ has 19 seats. The seats of the 13th row are considered good seats as they have a lot of space for passengers legs because it is first row of this section that is divided from First class with a curtain. The width of these seats is reduced as tray tables are in the armrests.
The seats 14D and 14E have such disadvantages as restricted legroom and recline as behind these seats exit row is located. Another disadvantages of these seats are lack of overhead bins and proximity of lavatories.
The seats 15D and 15E also don’t have overhead storage, the width of these seats is smaller as the armrests are immovable and the window is also smaller. But passengers of these seats may take advantage of extra legroom.
Passengers of the seats 16A, 16B, 16C and 16F will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom provided by missing seats in front. The main disadvantages of these seats are: reduced width of these seats and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing. Close location of the seats 16A, 16B and 16C to lavatories may be bothersome.
The seats 16D and 16E have reduced space for passengers legs and their width is slightly reduced.
Economy class of this Boeing 757-200 may transport 141 passengers.
The seats 19A and 19F are the seats with missing window.
The seats 32A, 32B and 32C are considered bad seats as they have restricted space for passengers legs and are located close to lavatories. The seats 32D, 32E and 32F on the contrary have some extra legroom but have the same disadvantage as proximity of lavatories.
Passengers of the 33rd row may take advantage of extra legroom as in front of these row emergency exit is located. Only in case of the seats 33A and 33F the emergency doors protrude a little into leg space. All the seats of 33rd row have such disadvantages as proximity of the lavatories, reduced width of the seats (as the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable) and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.
The main disadvantage of the seats 40CDEF and of the seats of the 41st row is close location to the galley. Also the seats 40DEF and 41ABC may be less reclining. That is why these seats are considered bad seats.
Seventh cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (75S)
The seventh cabin version of Boeing 757-200 may transport 168 seats.
Delta One class has 16 flat bed seats located in 4 rows in 2-2 configuration. All these seats are standard. Only close location to the galleys, lavatories and closet may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 1B, 1C, 4B and 4C.
44 seats are located in Delta Comfort+ section. Seats have 3-3 configuration in 7 rows and one row with 2 seats. 2 seats of the 18th row have extra legroom and are located close to galley, closet and lavatory. Also the width of these seats is reduced as tray tables are in the armrests.
The seats 19A and 19F have extra legroom but protrusion of the exit door may cause inconvenience. The best seats in this section are the seats 19B and 19C as passengers of these seats may take advantage of extra legroom due to missing seats in front. The tray tables are in the armrests reducing the width of the seats.
The seats 22A, 22F and the seats 23A, 23F have misaligned windows.
Economy class has 108 seats. The only disadvantage of the seat 34C is proximity to the lavatories as well as of the seats of 35th row. Passengers of the seats 35DEF will feel comfortable as there are now seats in front.
The best seats in economy class are the seats of the 36th row. These seats have a lot of extra space for passengers legs thanks to the emergency exit located in front.
The seats of the 44th row may have limited recline and their close location to the galley may cause inconvenience to passengers of these seats.
Eighth cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (75V) Hawaii
This version of Boeing 757-200 airplane has 175 seats in three classes.
First class includes 22 reclining seats. The seats of the 1st row have less space for passengers legs as the bulkhead is located in front. Close location of these seats to the galley may cause inconvenience to passengers of these seats and of the seats 5AB and 6CD.
Delta Comfort+ includes 21 seats. Passengers of the 19th row and of the seats 21ABC will take advantage of extra legroom as there is emergency exit in front. Only in case of the seat 19F the exit slide protrudes into the space for passengers legs. These seats have such disadvantages as reduced width of the seats, lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and proximity to the galley.
The only disadvantage of the seat 20A is proximity of the galley.
The seat 22F has no window.
Economy class includes 132 standard seats.
The seats 26A, 26F and 27A, 27F have extra legroom but the emergency slides protrude into this space and passengers will not feel comfortable because of this. The tray tables and TV screens are in the armrests that is why the width of these seats is reduced.
The best seats in this section of airplane are the seats 26BCDE and 27BDCE as they have a lot of extra space for passengers legs. However, the width of these seats is narrower as the armrests are immovable.
Close location to the lavatories will be a problem for passengers of the seats 44ABCD and 45DEF. The seats 44ABC and 45DEF are bad seats as except close location to the lavatories, these seats may have limited recline.
Ninth cabin version of the Boeing 757-200 (75X) Live TV
The ninth cabin version has 184 seats.
First class may transport 26 passengers. The seats 1A, 1B and 2C, 2D have less space for passengers legs than other standard places because of the bulkhead located in front. Also these seats are narrower as the armrests are immovable and there is no floor storage during take-off and landing.
The seats of the 7th row are located in the last row of first class and may have limited recline. The width of these seats is reduced as the tray tables are in the armrests. Close location to the lavatory may cause inconvenience.
Delta Comfort+ section also has 26 seats. Passengers of the seats 19D and 19E will feel comfortable thanks to the extra legroom as there is emergency exit in front and thanks to extra space on the sides as there are no other seats in this row. As the tray tables are in the armrests these seats are slightly narrower. There is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing. These seats are good for people that are travelling together.
The seats 20ABCF have extra space for passengers legs thanks to the emergency exit located in front. However, there is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing.
The seats 22A and 22F are the seats with misaligned windows. These seats may have less shoulder space because of the protrusion at windows place.
There are 132 seats in the Economy class that have 3-3 configuration.
The seats of the 26th row have extra legroom as they are located behind the emergency row. But these seats do not recline as there is another emergency exit behind and the width of these seats is reduced as the tray tables are in the armrests.
The best seats of the Economy class are the seats of the 27th row. Passengers of these seats will take advantage of extra legroom. But at the same time these seats are a little narrower because the armrests are immovable.
The main disadvantage of the seats 44B and 44C as well as of of the seats of 45th row is their close location to the lavatories. Plus the seats 45ABC and 45DEF have limited recline.
Usefull information about “Delta Airlines”
- Rating and reviews about “Delta Airlines”
- Boeing 757-200 Delta Airlines. Photos and description of the plane
- Delta Airlines – company description and aircrafts fleet