Seat map Bombardier CRJ-200 “SkyWest”. Best seats in the plane
SkyWest operates three versions of Bombardier CRJ200.
Seat map of the Bombardier CRJ-200 – American Eagle
First version is American Eagle that offers seats of one class.
This airplane may accommodate 50 passengers. American Eagle version of Bombardier CRJ-200 consists of 13 rows of seats: 12 of them have 2-2 configuration and the last row with 2 seats.
The seats are divided into 2 sections separated from each other with an exit row.
First section contains 7 rows. The only disadvantage of the seats of the 1st row is noise from the galley located in front.
Due to the exit row located behind the seats of the 7th row have limited recline.
Passengers of the seats of the 8th row will feel comfortable thanks to exit row located in front. At the same time passengers of the seats 8A and 8D may get cold during the flight because of exit doors located here.
Congregation of passengers that are waiting to use lavatory located near the seats of the 12th and 13th rows is one of the main disadvantages of these seats. In addition limited recline makes the seats 12CD and 13AB bad seats.
Seat map of the Bombardier CRJ-200 – Delta Connection
Second version is Delta Connection.
Bombardier CRJ200 of Delta Connection version operated by SkyWest offers seats of two classes: comfort plus and economy.
Comfort plus seats are located in the first row that have 2-2 configuration. So, there are totally 4 seats here. Location of the galley near the seats of the 1st row may be bothersome.
Behind Comfort plus seats 6 rows of economy class seats are located. All these seats are standard only the seats of the 7th row are less reclining than standard because of the exit row located behind.
Thanks to the exit row located in front passengers of the seats of the 8th row will take advantage of extra legroom. However cold from the exit doors will cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 8A and 8D.
Noise from the lavatory located in the tail will be bothersome for passengers of the seats 12AB, 12CD and 13AB. Because of limited recline the seats 12CD and 13AB are considered bad seats.
Seat map of the Bombardier CRJ-200 – United Express
United Express version of Bombardier CRJ200 represent two-class version.
This airplane is equipped with two General Electric CF34-3B1 turbofans. Maximum flying range is 2037 kilometers and maximum cruise speed 860 kilometers per hour.
First row of seats offer seats of comfort plus class. The width of these seats is 17.25 inches. Galley located nearby may cause discomfort to passengers of these seats.
Economy class offers 46 seats that are located in two sections divided from each other with an exit row. All the seats of the economy class have 17.25 inches width. Limited recline is the main disadvantage of the seats of the 7th row.
Second section of economy class seats may accommodate 22 passengers. The seats 8B and 8C are considered the best seats thanks to additional legroom that they offer. The only disadvantage of the seats 8A and 8D is close location of exit doors the cold from which during the flight may be bothersome.
Lavatories located behind are the main disadvantage of the seats 12AB. Such disadvantages as noise from the lavatories and limited recline make the seats 12CD and 13AB bad seats.
Usefull information about “SkyWest”
- Rating and reviews about “SkyWest”
- Photos of the Bombardier CRJ-200 “SkyWest”
- SkyWest – company description and aircrafts fleet