Seat map Boeing 767-400 “Delta Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
Boeing 767-400ER is used by Delta Airlines during flights to London and on fights from New York JFK to Venice.
Seat map of the Boeing 767-400ER (76D)
Boeing 767-400ER has 246 seats located in three classes.
Delta One class has 40 flat bed seats that have 1-2-1 configuration. The seats of the 1st and the 10th rows are located close to the galleys and lavatories and it may cause inconvenience to passengers of these seats.
The seats 9A and 9D are reserved for crew members.
Delta Comfort+ includes 28 seats located in 4 rows in 2-3-2 configuration. The seats 15A and 15G as well as the seats 16A and 16G have less legroom and misaligned windows. The seats 15A and 15G are also narrower than standard as the tray tables are built-in the armrests. Close location to the galley and lavatories may be bothersome. There is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing. The seats 15BCDEF have the same disadvantages.
Economy class has 178 seats that have 2-3-2 configuration.
The seats of the 27th row have limited recline. Their close location to the galley and lavatories may be a problem.
Passengers of the seats 30AB and 30FG will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom. Among disadvantages of these seats are proximity of the galley and lavatories, reduced seat width and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing. These seats are designated by Delta Airlines as preferred seats that may be selected by Delta Medallion members at time of booking or afterwards and may be given to other passengers at time of check-in if available.
The seats 3CDE due to position of the bulkhead have less legroom. These seats are reserved for passengers with babies. However, close location to the galley and lavatories may be bothersome, the armrests are immovable and that is why the width of these seats is reduced. There is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing.
The only disadvantage of the seats 45C and 45E is their close location to the lavatories and galley.
The seats 45AB and 45FG as well as the seats of the last, 46th row are considered bad seats as they have limited recline and are located close to the galley and lavatories.
Usefull information about “Delta Airlines”
- Rating and reviews about “Delta Airlines”
- Boeing 767-400 Delta Airlines. Photos and description of the plane
- Delta Airlines – company description and aircrafts fleet