Airbus A320-200 TAP Portugal. Photos and description of the plane
“TAP Portugal” operates 21 aircraft Airbus A320-200. Airplanes of A320 series are the source of well-being of entire Airbus company.
As well as in case of Boeing 737, Airbus A320 is the most sold airplane of European aviation companies because short-haul economy but capacious airplanes are in great demand with airline companies.
Airbus A320 is also the base airplane for four modifications of the series (A318, A319, A320 and A321).
During construction of Airbus A320 engineers have suggested innovative for that time developments. For the first time in commercial aviation plane management became not mechanical (hydraulics) but electronically (boosted controls). It allowed to introduce computer control that has corrected pilots’ mistakes such as excess load, speed limit and incidence angle compliance.
Panel of standard instruments on Airbus A320 from the very beginning was created computerized with six colorful displays. Control wheel was replaced with joystick. Besides, airplanes Airbus A320 at once were designed for use of quite big quantity of composite materials.
More about age of the each airplane:
Photo Airbus A320-200 TAP Portugal. High quality fotos
Useful information about “TAP Portugal”
- Rating and reviews about “TAP Portugal”
- Seat map of the Airbus A320-200 “TAP Portugal”
- TAP Portugal – company description and aircrafts fleet