Seat map Airbus A320Neo “Lufthansa”. Best seats in the plane
Airbus A320Neo operated by Lufthansa offers 166 seats of two classes: business and economy.
Seat map of the Airbus A320Neo
Number of business class seats depends on the demand. This airplane may offer up to 28 seats. These seats are located in the first 7 rows. Business class seats have 2-2 configuration. The middle seats in each row are blocked providing extra space for passengers.
All the seats of business class are standard. Only the seats of the 1st row have such disadvantages as: the noise from the galleys and lavatories located in front and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.
Business class is separated from economy class with a curtain divider. Economy class may accommodate 138 passengers.
All the seats of the economy class have 3-3 configuration.
As the tray tables of the seats of the 8th row are located in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced a little. Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and curtain divider in front may be bothersome.
Because of the exit row located behind the seats of the 10th row have limited recline.
Thanks to the exit row located in front the seats of the 11th row offer additional space for passengers’ legs. But due to the exit row located behind these seats are less reclining than standard. Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing is another disadvantage of these seats.
Passengers of the seats of the 12th row will take advantage of extra legroom. These seats are considered the best seats on the airplane. However, these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.
The only disadvantage of the seats 31C and 31D is close location of the galley and lavatories.
Because of the galley and lavatories located behind and limited recline the seats of the 32nd row are considered bad seats.
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