Seat map Airbus A330-300 “American Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
This configuration of Airbus A330 is divided into two classes with total amount of 291 seats: Business class with 28 seats and Economy class of 263 seats.
Seat map of the Airbus A330-300
All the seats of business class are standard, but the seats of the 1st and 7th row (the last row of Business class) have some warnings. More specifically, these seats are located near lavatories and galleys and this fact may cause inconvenience for passengers seating in these rows.
The first row of Economy class (the seats of the 8th row) are good seats with some remarks. They are good because they provide extra room for passengers’ legs . But they are also located close to WC and galleys and this may disturb passengers of these seats as there always will gather other passengers of the Airbus A330-300. The same thing applies to the seats of the 25th row.
The seats 12A and 12H are considered bad seats as they don’t have a window. The seats from 24A to 24H are also bad as behind them bulkhead is located what makes these seats either less reclining or not reclining at all. Proximity of lavatories may be also annoying. The seats 40A, 40B, 40G and 40H as well as the seats 41C, 41D and 41F have similar disadvantages.
Seats 37C, 37D and 37F have less space for passengers’ legs and the armrest of these seats is immovable as the tray tables are built into them. This fact reduces the width of the seats.