Seat map Boeing 717-200 “Delta Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
Boeing 717-200 is used by Delta Airlines mostly for Internal flights and may transport 110 passengers.
Seat map of the Boeing 717-200
Boeing 717-200 has seats in three classes. First class has 12 recliner seats that are located in 2-2 configuration in three rows. The seats of the 1st row may have less room for the legs as there is a bulkhead in front of them. Another disadvantage for these seats is close location of the lavatory and the galley. This fact may cause inconvenience to passengers of these seats. The seat 3B protrudes to the passage between the seats and other passengers and crew members may tend to bump into this seat.
Another class in this airplane is Delta Comfort+ that has 15 seats located in 2-3 configuration in 3 rows as well. The passengers ofthe seats of the 10th row may feel comfortable as there is a lot of extra legroom in front because their class is divided from the first class seats only with a curtain. The seat 10C as well as seat 3B in the first class protrudes to the passage between the seats and other passengers and crew members may bump into this seat.
The Economy class may accommodate 83 passengers. The seats of the 19th row have extra space for passengers’ legs but doesn’t recline as behind them exit row is located. These seats may be selected by Medallion members of Delta company when booking or later and become available for other passengers during check-in.
The seats of the 20th row have no extra space for passengers’ legs and are less reclining. The tray tables are built-in the armrests reducing the width of these seats. During take-off and landing there is no floor storage for passengers of these seats. The seat 20A is designated by Delta Company as preferred seat for Medallion members. It becomes available for other passengers at time of check-in.
The best seats in the plane are considered the seats 21A and 21E and at the same time these seats are considered in by Delta Company preferred seats. The main advantage for passengers is extra legroom due to the emergency exit located in front of these seats.
The seats 28B and 28C are standard but their close location to lavatories may be bothersome.
The seats of the last 29th row are considered bad seats due to their close location to the lavatories and their limited recline.
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- Boeing 717-200 Delta Airlines. Photos and description of the plane
- Delta Airlines – company description and aircrafts fleet