Seat map Boeing 737-800 “American Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
American Airlines owns two versions of Boeing 737-800 airplanes.
First cabin version of the Boeing 737-800
This version of Boeing 737-800 displays of 160 seats. 16 of them are for passengers of the First Class, 30 are in Main Cabin Extra and 114 in Economy class. American Airlines use these airplanes mainly for trips inside the country.
The seats from 1A to 1F of the business class have less space in front of them because of the bulkhead that is located in front of them and plus there is no floor storage during take-off and landing.
The seats of the 7th row also have less space for the same reason as the seats of the 1st row. Also there can be not enough room for passengers’ hand language as overhead bin may be used by airplane equipment.
Seats 10A and 10E have such a peculiarity as missing window. However, these seats were denoted Preferred Seats and are often reserved for elite passengers. And for booking this seat an extra charge is imposed.The seats 12A and 12E were also denoted Preferred Seats. They have misaligned windows.
Seats of the 13th row are located in front of Emergency Exits and may be not reclining. Nevertheless these seats are also Preferred Seats and require reservation with extra charge.
The seats of the 14th and 15th row are located in front of Emergency Exits. That is why passengers of these seats may take advantage of extra room for their legs. But the seats of the 14th row don’t recline and the seats of the 15th row have limited recline and passengers of these seats may get cold by the exits during the flight.
Seats 29C and 29D are standard sears, but the close position of lavatories and galleys may be bothersome as well as for the passengers of the last, 30th row. The seats from 30A to 30F are considered bad seats.
Second cabin version of the Boeing 737-800
This version of Boeing 737-800 is new and represents MCE configuration. Cabin of this Boeing 737-800 may accommodate 150 passengers: 16 seats are for First Class passengers, 48 seats are situated in Main Cabin Extra and 86 seats in Economy class.
The First class seats 3A, 3B, 3E and 3F (the seats of the 1st row) have no floor storage during take-off and landing and the position of the bulkhead in front of these seats is uncomfortable for passengers.
The seats of the 1st row of Main Cabin Extra (seats from 8A to 8F) have extra space for passengers’ legs but the seats are little narrower as the tray tables are built into the armrests. Also there is less space for hand-luggage as there is no floor storage here during take-off and landing and the overhead bins may be also reserved for airplane equipment.
The seats 10A and 10F have no windows. The seats 12A and 12F have misaligned windows.
The seats of 13th row have such a disadvantage as non-reclining option due to the Emergency exit behind them.
The seats of the 14th and 15th row feature extra space in front of them due to the Emergency Exits located in front of them. However, the width of these seats is reduced as the tray table are in the armrests and make them immovable. Also passengers of these seats may get cold during the flight.
The seats 16A, 16C, 16 D and 16F as well as the same seats of 17th row have extra room around them due to the missing middle seats. However, these seats have immovable armrests.
The seats 29C and 29D and the seats of the last row of the plane (30th row) have such a disadvantage as proximity of WC and galleys.