Seat map Boeing 777-200 “Delta Airlines”. Best seats in the plane
Boeing 777-200 is used by Delta Airlines for international flights.
Seat map of the Boeing 777-200
Boeing 777-200 has totally of 291 seats.
Delta One may transport 37 passengers on its 37 flat bed seats that have 1-2-1 configuration. The seats of the 1st row are located close to the closets, lavatories and galleys. The seats 1B and 1C are ideal for two people travelling together.
Passengers of the seats 7A and 7D will have some privacy and extra table space. Among disadvantages close location to the lavatory.
The seat 10A is the seat with misaligned window. Passenger of this seat will be able to see something through it only in reclined position of the seat. The main disadvantage of the seats 10B and 10C is proximity of the lavatories. Especially in case of the seat 10C the lavatory door opens directly in front of this seat. These seats are good for people who travel together as well as the seats 11B and 11C. Close proximity of the lavatory will also be a problem for passengers of the seats 11C and 11D.
Delta Comfort+ has 4 rows with 36 seats that have 3-3-3 configuration. The best seats are the seats 29ABC and 29GHJ. Passengers of these seats will take advantage of extra legroom. However these seats (as well as the seats 29DEF) are a little narrower than standard as the tray tables are in the armrests and there is no floor storage for these seats during takeoff and landing.
The seats 29DEF have also restricted space for passengers legs.
Economy class includes 218 standard seats. Most of them have 3-3-3 configuration.
The seats 42GHJ and the seats of the 43rd row may be not reclining and are located close to the lavatories and galley.
All the seats of the 44th row are reserved for Delta Medallion members and may be given to other passengers at time of check-in if available.
The seats 44A and 44J are considered bad seats as these seats are located close to the emergency exits and the emergency slides protrude into legroom of passengers. Plus there are no windows at these seats, close location to the galley and lavatories may be bothersome, the width of these seats is reduced as the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable and there is no floor storage for these seats during takeoff and landing.
The other seats of the 44th row have the same disadvantages except legroom. The seats 44BC and 44GH have extra space for passengers legs but the seats 44DEF have restricted legroom due to bulkhead.
The main disadvantage of the seats 55C and 55G is the fact that they are often bumped by service carts as there are no seats behind.
Close location of the seats 56C, 56D, 56F and 56G to the galleys and lavatories will represent a problem for passengers of these seats. The seats 56AC and 56GJ as well as the seats 57AC and 57GJ will be ideal for people who travel with a companion.
The seats of the 57th row are considered bas seats, first of all because it is the last row in the airplane and other passengers tend to gather near the lavatories. The seats 57DEF may be less reclining or not reclining at all.
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- Boeing 777-200 Delta Airlines. Photos and description of the plane
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