Seat map Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner KLM. Best seats in the plane
Boeing 787-900 operated by KLM offers seats of three types: world business, economy comfort and economy.
Seat map of the Boeing 787-9 (789)
First 8 rows of seats offer 30 flat bed seats of business class that have 180 degrees recline. All these seats are standard. Only the seats 1A, 1K and 2DG have such a disadvantage as close location of the galleys and lavatory in front the noise from which may be bothersome.
Behind the exit row 48 seats of economy comfort type are located. Passengers of the seats of the 10th row will take advantage of extra space for their legs. However, proximity of the galleys and lack of floor storage during takeoff and landing may cause discomfort.
Economy class may 216 passengers. The seats of the economy class are located in two sections. First section consists of 10 rows of seats. Most of these seats have 3-3-3 configuration. Location of the lavatories behind is the main disadvantage of the seats of the 25th row.
Second section of economy class seats consists of 15 rows.
Thanks to the exit row located in front the seats 30ABC and 30HJK offer extra legroom. Among disadvantages: location of the lavatories in front, reduced width and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.
Passengers also tend to congregate in the area of the seats 30DEG while waiting to use lavatories and thus causing discomfort to passengers of these seats. Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing is another disadvantage of these seats.
The only disadvantage of the seats 41A and 41K are missing windows.
Proximity of the lavatories will cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 43ABC, 43D, 43G, 43HJK and 44DEF. Limited or no recline makes the seats 43ABC, 43HJK and 44DEF bad seats.
Useful information about “KLM”
- Rating and reviews about “KLM”
- Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner KLM. Photos and description of the plane
- KLM – company description and aircrafts fleet