Seat map Embraer ERJ-190 “JetBlue”. Best seats in the plane
Embraer ERJ-190 operated by JetBlue is a two class airplane that may transport 100 passengers.
Seat map of the Embraer ERJ-190 (E90)
The seats of the 1st row represent even more space category. These seats have 4 extra inches of legroom, however, the bulkhead position limits the legroom a little.
The seats of the 2-11th rows are the seats of Coach category that correspond to economy class. All these seats are standard, only the seats of the 11th row are nor reclining as they are located in the last row of the section.
Behind the exit row 3 rows of Even More Space category are located. The seats of the rows 12-14 offer 7 extra inches of legroom. The windows-side armrests are built-in the armrests causing discomfort to passengers of these seats.
The last 11 rows represent the seats of Coach category. All A and D seats of the rows 15-17 have misaligned windows.
Passengers of the last 25th row may not feel the full recline of these seats as in this position these seats touch the wall. Among other disadvantages of these seats: close location of the galley and lavatory, limited overhead storage as a part of it is taken by food supply storage that is taken by crew members during the flight and thus causing discomfort to passengers of these seats.
Usefull information about “JetBlue”
- Rating and reviews about “JetBlue”
- Embraer ERJ-190 JetBlue. Photos and description of the plane
- JetBlue – company description and aircrafts fleet